
Magdalena Bajic



9 photos

MegyBella New article
7 years ago
The Advent wreath appeared for the first time in the 19th century in Germany, but today it is one of the main symbols of advent and upcoming Christmas. It consists of two basic symbols of circle and candles that represent light. Four candles are the four Sundays that are ahead of Christmas, and repr... Read more
7 years
SUPERSINGH very nice buddy
7 years
7 years
Violeta Wow amazing
7 years
7 years
Lucia5 Amazing
7 years
7 years
TammyWhite Cute
7 years
7 years
SUPERSINGH very nice
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 So nicely
7 years
7 years
SUPERSINGH very good meg
7 years
7 years
NNoelia nice
7 years
7 years
josferod2 Very nice
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you everyone❤?
7 years
7 years
soncee Beautiful artikle
7 years
7 years
florica1971 Superb ?
7 years
7 years
dorageorg So beautiful!
7 years
7 years
Marsoll So beautiful!! ⚘
7 years
7 years
Ginix77 Beautiful
7 years
7 years
Tatiana48 Good article !!
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
Melsdename Beautiful
7 years
7 years
Deliana Happy First Day of Advent! ?
7 years
7 years
Justin Beautiful
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you dear people??
7 years
7 years
OlgaLifeLover We went to the Servise today. It was the 1st ...yes
7 years
7 years
LiaF7 Like, like, like
7 years
7 years
LiaF7 @MegyBella have you noticed that Tuetego shared this article on their facebook page?
7 years
7 years
Ravidxb superb
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @LiaF7 I didn't noticed? I'm not using fb much and probably I wouldn't see it at all. So, thank you that you tells me that? It's very kind of you and of our Tuetego team?
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you dear all?
7 years
7 years
cathydkreations Lovely article?
7 years
7 years
AnceAne Awesome? thank you for writing this dear ?
7 years
7 years
tusziget Very nice.
7 years
6 years
Tomi Very good article
6 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Good evening , my dear friend ! ?‍♀️???? I wish you a happy and blessed Thursday night! ?????
5 years
5 years
mili2020 So beautiful
5 years
4 years
MonaA Nice
4 years
MegyBella New article
7 years ago
Hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. There are more than 300 hummingbird species in the world. With the beak and the tail together it is only six centimeters long. These small birds have a very fast metabolism. This means that most of the energy is spent by flying, so they eat almost all d... Read more
7 years
soncee Beautiful artikle
7 years
7 years
Violeta Beautiful article
7 years
7 years
OlitaM I will be back tomorrow to read something such a wonderful! The photo are simply amazing!
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
mila7272 Beautiful
7 years
7 years
Deliana I love this little bird! Great article! ?
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
AnceAne Adorable birds ? And awesome article Megy thanks for sharing these information with us ??
7 years
7 years
Melsdename Nice
7 years
7 years
Kaporis Great article and pretty photo
7 years
7 years
Justin Beautiful
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you everyone ? Much love?
7 years
7 years
Lucia5 Beauty
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Super art
7 years
7 years
samaple aww so cute!
7 years
7 years
Ravidxb thanks for sharing with us
7 years
7 years
GinaEastabrooks Interesting article to read
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you, everyone??
7 years
7 years
OlitaM It would be something fantastic to watch them around me but I have't see them in real life and yet... they makes me think about colourful butterflies, they looks so small ...
7 years
7 years
LiaF7 Great photo and text
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
IleanaCalotescu It looks like hummingbird hawk-moth.
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you my friends❤?
7 years
7 years
tusziget good article and beautiful pic.
7 years
7 years
dorageorg Great!
7 years
7 years
HazySue I love hummingbirds. Their little wings move so quickly that it looks like they are just hanging in the air. Terrific write up about them.
7 years
6 years
Tomi Amazing
6 years
4 years
MonaA Amazing
4 years
MegyBella New article
7 years ago
I had an inflammation of the middle ear last week and suffered a terrible pain. I rarely visit a doctor, so I tried to provide first aid to myself. I dripped a few drops of juice from houseleek leaf into the ear and the pain disappeared after 10 minutes. Just amazing. I have never used it before for... Read more
7 years
Violeta Great article
7 years
7 years
TammyWhite Good
7 years
7 years
Lucia5 Super
7 years
7 years
IleanaCalotescu Great!
7 years
7 years
soncee Beautiful
7 years
7 years
dorageorg Super!
7 years
7 years
Deliana Fabulous plant! ?
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 I would have gone doc could be inner ear infection so easy to get from
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Good1
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Hope you. Better megy
7 years
7 years
Ravidxb amazing
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @Smokey2017 I am dear. Thanks??
7 years
7 years
rmtm198 good advice i will try one day if happn to me
7 years
7 years
DAIANAGABAR Wonderful photo
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Morning megy
7 years
7 years
Justin Beautiful
7 years
7 years
tusziget Great article
7 years
7 years
HazySue Wow that plant is amazing. It reminds me of a plant we have here called hens n' chicks. I wonder if they are related in the plant world.
7 years
6 years
Tomi Great article
6 years
MegyBella New article
7 years ago
In my opinion, the swan is the most elegant bird. But, this graceful and proud being can be extremely dangerous to humans, especially males in the mating season, when they keep their territory. They can drown a man by attacking him. They will never attack without any reason. That is why people shoul... Read more
7 years
soncee Awesome
7 years
7 years
dorageorg Lovely!
7 years
7 years
Violeta Very beautiful
7 years
7 years
Melsdename Amazing
7 years
7 years
Alex Agree
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you girls?❤
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Superb
7 years
7 years
AnceAne Very beautiful
7 years
7 years
AnceAne People should respect and beware how treat animals, birds everything ... They deserve to live too
7 years
7 years
CeciCecilia Nice
7 years
7 years
Ravidxb beautiful click
7 years
7 years
Lucia5 Super
7 years
7 years
rmtm198 good article
7 years
7 years
Deliana I love swans!!! Very good article! ?
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you everyone??
7 years
7 years
MegyBella That's right dear @AnceAne ?
7 years
MegyBella New article
7 years ago
I decided to write this article because many complain of slow earnings here. Let me clear, I'm not here only for earnings, I honestly love Tuetego and (mostly) positive vibes on here. And it's very beautiful if someone pays you for your original work. As you can see from my payment proofs, earning i... Read more
7 years
RayBane I need help ?
7 years
7 years
RayBane Congrats on payments and also great post... @megybella
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 What help you need @raybane
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 I love the amount of friends I have made
I love the laughter we all share
I love the way everyone joins in with the laughter one way or another
7 years
7 years
MegyBella How I can help you @RayBane ? ? Did you read this article? And thanks?
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 @raybane we are waiting to help you
7 years
7 years
Hellenor You're right. I'm just at 90 cents for now, but I'm also not so much active. I miss tsu and Rabadaba, I still need to change to this mentally lol
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @Hellenor hehe? I can understand you. But let me tell you, at raba I earned less (before live contest) and I was active non stop there.
7 years
7 years
Hellenor Hope it will be better here also for me ?
7 years
7 years
MegyBella I wish it will be soon @Hellenor ??
7 years
7 years
RayBane I post original content, I am active (mostly ?), but I'm far far far away even from first payment... And I am a long time member here... ?
But I am still here, so it's not all about money, if it was different I would be off long time ago...
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 It is not about the money guys
Look at what we have got out of it
And that is somethng money can't buy
How many of you can say they have been friends with a Skelton that has bought so much laughter into your lives
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @RayBane I seeing you once, maybe twice a week on here? Do you rating for articles?
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Smokey on here 247
Smokey addicated
7 years
7 years
RayBane I don't do ratings for articles, cause I'm here only via app...
And I am here every day... Even if I don't post anything...
7 years
7 years
MegyBella You can log in thru browser on your phone? Even I would recommended pc for that? @RayBane
7 years
7 years
Hani Buy some things nice with the money you deserved ?
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you @Hani I appreciate that? I made this article to help others if I can. This is what really makes me happy?
7 years
7 years
Ravidxb Good Job
7 years
7 years
Hani I know what you mean Bez some people not believe ,Bez lots of they use some apps or sites doesn't pay they
7 years
7 years
Violeta dear @MegyBella from my heart andI congratulate you on your earnings here
7 years
7 years
Violeta some people are not happy want to earn right away. You are a wonderful person to continue to socialize and earn ???
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Everybody should come on and join in the fun it is getting very interesting as evil santa takes over
7 years
7 years
MegyBella I know @Hani but that's why we gave to them proofs?
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @Violeta thank you so much for your beautiful words deat ?? I know you're honest and I know it is from your heart. I believe we all can be happy here?
7 years
7 years
rmtm198 this is great article and good luck @megybella
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @DAIANAGABAR if you didn't yet, read it dear? It can help you
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @rmtm198 thanks dear? Good luck to you too?
7 years
7 years
soncee Congrats dear ❤
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @soncee thank you my dear??
7 years
7 years
bibinvarghese the article is 100% true i invite some people in here they said its slow earning but actually it is not slow some days you active the whole day you get 1 or 2 cents some days without activity you get 1$ thats the reaality in here you active what you are doing in facebook same in here you can earn and fun to
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @bibinvarghese I earned 1-2 pennies only at begging? A long time this isn't happened to me. And I am active every day, not only for rating articles, but by liking and commenting too?
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 That true @bibin
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Agree a lot! ???
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 I don't even look too busy
7 years
7 years
Melsdename Congratulations
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @Melsdename thank you sweetie? I hope this article will be helpful to you also?
7 years
7 years
LiaF7 All true Megy :) Congrats...and I love your photos
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @LiaF7 Thank you so much❤ especially for the part with photos? That's something that I really love and it's my passion.
7 years
7 years
aditzu Congratulations?? @MegyBella
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thanks dear @aditzu ? I believe I'll congratulate to you very soon ?
7 years
7 years
Justin Congratulation dear Meg
7 years
7 years
OlgaLifeLover You are the best
7 years
7 years
olavn54 Excellent
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thanks @Justin ??
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @OlgaLifeLover no I'm not? but thank you anyway? We all can be the best?
7 years
7 years
IleanaCalotescu Congratulations! How long are you on Tuetego?
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @IleanaCalotescu thanks dear ? I made a profile here more than 5 months ago, but I'm active last two months.
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @Antoniodavid1 @Natasha this might help you two ?
7 years
7 years
Natasha When do they start paying for posting and ratings etc? How does it work? I am just trying to figure everything out. ?
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @Natasha you can check your amount on the web platform. Sometimes you can see it in the app, but not all the time. Sometimes you'll see changes every day, but sometimes after 2-3 days. When you reach 5 pounds you'll be able to send the request for paying out. Your earnings can be slow in the beginning, but be patience.
7 years
7 years
Natasha And how much is 5 pounds in
7 years
7 years
MegyBella 6,50 dollars I guess
7 years
7 years
tusziget encouraging to see your payment proofs.
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Here it is dear @BrianRocca Feel free to ask if you need to know more than that. I'll help you if I can.
7 years
7 years
BrianRocca Thank you for this article
7 years
7 years
MegyBella No problem?
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @jinstar here it is?
7 years
7 years
7 years
SUPERSINGH I like you buddy, thanks for the tag, if you are not here for earnings then you can donate that to me LOL
7 years
7 years
MegyBella I'd love to, but, do you really think that I still have hat money? lool ? @SUPERSINGH
7 years
7 years
SUPERSINGH lol, you are still earning well i know that
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Not anymore? @SUPERSINGH
7 years
7 years
ayenthecat Great article, I learned a lot!
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @ayenthecat thank you dear. I wrote this article based on my experience, but I don't know if I'm right. We earning less now, even many new users come.
7 years
7 years
averygirl72 Wow 12 GBP and 15 GBP. How long before you reach it? How to request payout here?
7 years
7 years
wudi great article
7 years
7 years
HazySue Wonderful advice. You can't make money if you don't become involved.
7 years
6 years
lemueld Your post is helpful and inspiring
6 years
MegyBella New article
7 years ago
Did you ever wonder what this might mean when you find a feather? They said this is one of the ways spiritual guides send us the signs. Feathers can be signs of angels. They send us messages, lead us, and support us. This can be a confirmation that your thoughts are correct or it is their way of gr... Read more
7 years
Ravidxb i read
7 years
7 years
AnceAne I love it :)
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thanks to both of you??
7 years
7 years
TammyWhite What a beauty
7 years
7 years
soncee Beautiful artikle
7 years
7 years
Bashields ?
7 years
7 years
mila7272 Beautiful
7 years
7 years
cathydkreations Thanks for this info I did not know this?
7 years
7 years
olavn54 Nice
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @cathydkreations I have heard of it a long time ago. I can't say I believed in it. I still can't say that for sure, but I have a good reason to believe it might be true?
7 years
7 years
7 years
MegyBella New article
7 years ago
Bajadera is one of Kraš’s best-known brands on the Croatian market. This exquisite chocolate combines a Central European confectioner’s art with the oriental extravagance of flavors. Bajadera is the queen of chocolates, fine nougat blended with almonds which gives a unique, recognizable flavor.... Read more
7 years
lacho59 Good - but the bomb is of calories
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Well it is, and it's not easy to eat only one?
7 years
7 years
Violeta Very Very Very nice?
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
soncee Sweet artikle
7 years
7 years
mila7272 Nice
7 years
7 years
Xayide Yummy
7 years
7 years
olavn54 Nice
7 years
7 years
cvety66 о,разкош
7 years
7 years
IleanaCalotescu Yummy
7 years
7 years
LiaF7 I truly believe it's delicious and would like some please. Never tried that brand.
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @LiaF7 I really hope you will have a chance to try it. It's really is delicious??
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Nice
7 years
7 years
tusziget I love chocolate.Looks yummy.
7 years
6 years
orientalove ????
6 years
MegyBella New article
7 years ago
Dreamcatcher is part of the culture originates from Indian tribes Ojibwe and Lakota. It has a spiritual meaning, that's why it is considered amulets. One of the legends is described by a rastaman from the Lakota tribe who had a vision on a high mountain. There he had an apparition of a great teac... Read more
7 years
soncee Great artikle ?
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
Lorso Awesome article dear! ?
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thanks guys❤
7 years
7 years
Violeta Great
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 V nice
7 years
7 years
AnceAne Great one!
7 years
7 years
olavn54 so beautiful
7 years
7 years
lacho59 A fascinating picture.
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thank you everyone❤❤❤
7 years
MegyBella New article
7 years ago
Not only do walnuts taste good, they give us a tremendous amount of energy and offer many health benefits. The Greeks called them "Jupiter’s fruit", considering walnuts as a food fit for the Gods. Since ancient times walnuts have been mentioned in connection with intellectuality - the fruit ... Read more
7 years
Violeta Very nice article
7 years
7 years
olavn54 So nice
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
AnceAne Wonderful article
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
soncee Beautiful artikle
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Good one
7 years
7 years
tusziget Useful advice in your article about walnuts.
7 years
7 years
Jeff2030 Good one
7 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Great article !?
5 years
