The shrub is a perennial plant with a whole or a few stalks of a small height, bumpy, truncated, and without axillary buds. Unlike the tree, which has a higher trunk and a crown, the shrub grows in the form of bushes with an average height of 2 - 5 m. Example: Ribes rubrum.
Unlike the shrub, the ... Read more
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a small tree or shrub of high height up to 5-8 m. In fact, the term pomegranate is the fruit, and the plant is called rhodium or rodier. It grows over an area that stretches from Iran to the Himalayas in northern India and is cultivated and naturalized throughout the... Read more
Sambucus L. (Sambucus L.) is a plant species in the group of shrubs with 20-30 species. The genus is part of the Adoxaceae family. The most well-known species is black snout (Sambucus nigra). This shrub, with its often curved branches, has a height of 1 to 10 meters. Its bark is greenish-gray and cr... Read more
The tree (Abies) is a genus of about 45-55 species of Pinaceae coniferous species, spread predominantly in the northern hemisphere mountainous areas. There are large shafts with swiveling rotation. The crown is a dense, shady pyramid, the bark of long time with resin bags. Lujers are smooth, and th... Read more
Carrot (Daucus carota) is a plant root, orange. The edible part of the plant is the root. It is a biennial plant, in the first year the leaves produce the food of the plant, and the tuber stores sugars for the plant to bloom in the second year. The end of the flower reaches almost 1 m long, with bra... Read more
Loboda is a herbaceous annual herbaceous plant of therapeutic value, used since antiquity. It is cultivated by gardens for food requirements.
It also grows and sails beside fences, roads, virgin sites or overpasses. Loboda is a plant perfectly suited to temperate climatic conditions, being very lit... Read more
The Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains is an anthropomorphic megalith located at 2216 m altitude. The origin of the Sphinx name is due to its resemblance to a human head, more precisely to the Egyptian Sphinx, its formation being due to wind erosion (wind). Formed from a large block of stone that has ta... Read more
The amber, also called 'yellow amber', is a yellow, transparent, translucent or opaque semiprecious stone with translucent or opaque inclusions of organic origin, namely fossil resin. Amber is not a true amber.
Some inclusions can give them bluish or greenish color, such as the amber in the Dominic... Read more
Scientists specializing in space studies have been saying for over 20 years that, although there is no conclusive evidence, it is likely that there are extraterrestrial civilizations.
Al Hibbs, a scientist withdrew from NASA's Reaction Propulsion Laboratory (NASA), says he is willing to bet on a ... Read more
Lincoln's name has 7 letters,
Kennedy's name is 7 letters.
- In the name of Lincoln and Kennedy, the vowels and consonants are in exactly the same position, in the order c, v, c, c, v, c, c.
Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846,
-Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
-Lincoln was elec... Read more
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