With the arrival of summer, we gave up the thick clothes, which covered our whole body in favor of short, thin and light clothes. The hot days send us more and more often to the pool, beach or sea. That is why during this period we have to display a pleasant figure, without cellulite, belly or u... Read more
"Goodbye 2020 and welcome 2021..
I feel a deep sense of Gratitude (mixed with relief) that 2020 is coming to an end and that 2021 is born with a Celestial Bang!
Under this powerful flood of Galactic LIGHT CODES, we can release everything that was the year 2020 and we can prepare to become a stro... Read more
Security of the ego
Most of our relationships are shelters of fear. We stay in the relationship because we do not want change, because the relationship makes us feel in an illusory security. It is a security of the ego.
We struggle to keep in one way or another elements of the past in ourselves ... Read more
Magic Roll with BIO plants
- easy to use and transport
- anti-inflammatory properties
- against muscle pain
- against joint pain
- soothes skin irritations
Magic Roll with BIO Kräuter® plants brings you a UNIQUE anti-pain concept, in roll-on format, extremely easy to use and transport.
... Read more
Soothing lotion for massage with BIO plants has a relaxing effect for the arms, legs and back.
activates blood circulation
excellent antispastic
relaxes muscles
healing effect
Herbal extracts have a stimulating effect on blood circulation, soothe and reduce the feeling of muscle fatigue. *
BE... Read more
Anti-inflammatory body cream with groundhog oil and BIO Kräuter® herbs
reduces muscle inflammation
maintain joint health
reduces the effects of rheumatism
activates blood circulation
revitalizes the skin
Anti-inflammatory body cream with groundhog oil and BIO Kräuter® herbs is recognized... Read more
"You are a mother. I believe you and I know how tired you are and that sometimes you feel like the situation is beyond you. That's why I propose something to you! Close your eyes and imagine your life in 20-30 years. You will wake up one morning , in the same room you are in now. Everything ... Read more
Traditions and customs of March 1st
March 1st brings a nice spring custom, called Tuesday.
The martyr is represented by a small, two-wire physical object and knotted in white and red, which means the fight against health and disease through death.
The martyr is considered a talisman of luck, we... Read more
5 years
Strabunica013› Have you seen or read this article about creation , my dear friends ?☹️☹️☹️
ANTIDOT for Coronavirus, but also for other health problems
Pure Oregano Oil Kräuter® is only used diluted with water, olive oil, milk, honey or juice. The dilution ratio should be at least 1:20 - 1:50 (1:20 - one part oregano oil / 20 parts product to be diluted; 1:50 - one part oregano oil / ... Read more
5 years
Strabunica013› I take it with a teaspoon of honey 3 times / day, because it strengthens the IMMUNITY and destroys the BACTERIA.
xaraponga›@Strabunica013@Strabunica013 Onvr again, thanks for this "miracle" against corona virus! But, are you sure? Tests? But, if it really works (prevention), i would like to have one, but I have no economic condictions to have one. But thanks anyway. If you want to talk a little bit more about my question ...I'd like a lot.?
I personally took 5 days. It is very good for Immunity. You can also find descriptions on google. I bought it from a company with which I am a partner and had about 70% discount on 2 bottles. The first with 20% and the second with 50%. As a partner there are many other benefits. In the first 4 months a product with 90% discount + what you buy between 20% and 60%. Leave an e-mail address and I'll give you details.
To prepare a chicken salad you need:
- chicken on the rotisserie, cut the strips
- 1 apple cut into cubes
- 1 small chopped onion
- 1 celery (celery stalk)
- almonds, cashews, roasted and chopped hazelnuts
- mayonnaise
- coleslaw salad dressing
- salt, sweet berry and pepper - to taste
How ... Read more
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