
carmen bucur




Buzau, Municipiul Buzău, Buzău (RO)


Married/Civil partner

454 photos

carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
It has a total height of 39.3 meters and an opening of the horizontal arms of about 15 meters, being located at an altitude of 2.291 meters, which made the monument, becoming a national symbol, attract thousands of visitors from the country or from abroad. One of the Bucegi symbols, the Cross of Ca... Read more
6 years
frenchqueen Nice article
6 years
6 years
RalRey Interesting information about this important Romanian monument. Thank you. Congratulations.
6 years
6 years
Shavkat I haven't seen this. If I have the chance, I will see this one
6 years
6 years
Jelenajeca so good article
6 years
6 years
Explorer2017 good post.?
6 years
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
DAIANAGABAR Amazing photo
6 years
6 years
Deliana Great article! Mi-e dor de-o drumeție acolo...
6 years
6 years
Strabunica013 Wonderful article
6 years
6 years
marija64 Amazing photo.. Very nice article
6 years
6 years
Miki Beautiful my dear
6 years
5 years
Jovana27 Amazing ?
5 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Good morning , my dear @carmen3521 ! ?‍♀️???? I wish you a happy and blessed Monday ! ?????
5 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Hello , hello , my dear @Friend! ?‍♀️???? I wish you a happy and blessed Thursday ( 15.04.2020 ) ! ?????
5 years
5 years
mili2020 Nice article
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Hello
4 years
4 years
Abelin foarte frumos!
4 years
carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
The level of ozone-depleting substances has fallen after an agreement on their production has been concluded more than 30 years ago, according to a recent report by the United Nations. The United Nations's latest report on the state of the ozone layer shows that it could return to the level of 19... Read more
6 years
fjclemente ??
6 years
6 years
Jelenajeca good article ??
6 years
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
dorageorg So great article!?
6 years
6 years
Deliana Great article! Vai de capul nostru...distrugem tot ce atingem...
6 years
6 years
Strabunica013 Very nice article***
6 years
6 years
Miki Very nice post
6 years
5 years
Jovana27 ?
5 years
5 years
mila7272 good post.?
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Good reads
4 years
carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
Artichoke, the scientific name cynara scolymus, is a plant used in international cuisines as well as in natural therapies. Many are considered a vegetable, others are a medicine, it is certain that the artichoke plant brings the body only benefits if it is consumed. general characteristics The pla... Read more
6 years
Tomi Very nice article
6 years
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
Deliana Great article! Trebuie să recunosc că nu am mâncat niciodată anghinare...???
6 years
6 years
frenchqueen Nice one
6 years
6 years
waflay This is an amazing piece, penned with knowledge and skillful art.
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 nice article
6 years
6 years
Strabunica013 Interesant !
6 years
6 years
Miki ???
6 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Very nice article
5 years
5 years
Jovana27 ?
5 years
5 years
mila7272 good post.?
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Good reads
4 years
carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
Everything the body needs is found in red beet. Consumed in vinegar, fresh or baked, it is a nutritional super-nutrition with many health benefits. Vitamins A, C, B complex, sulfur, sodium, calcium, iron, iodine, potassium and antioxidants in red beet help to treat several diseases."Red beet is a co... Read more
6 years
Mirjana23 Red beet and ??? and ???
6 years
6 years
dorageorg So nice article!
6 years
6 years
Deliana Îmi place mult salata de sfeclă roșie. Însă nu am mâncat-o niciodată crudă sau sub formă de suc. ???
6 years
6 years
Deliana Bună seara, Carmencita! Azi ai fost foarte ocupată? Am fost surprinsă că nu ai postat nimic până acum. Pupici. ??
6 years
6 years
cathydkreations Thanks for sharing l love beets ???
6 years
6 years
Tomi Very good article
6 years
6 years
OlgaLifeLover ????
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 da.. @Deliana si azi si zilele astea.. am scris mai ziua lui Rik de maine + celelalte treburi zilnice..
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 @Deliana si eu tot salata dar sfecla din conserva cu morcov ras, putina telina, ridiche neagra , rosii taiate marunt si salata verde. dar cu o lingura de maioneza. altfel nu intra..hihhii..??
suc ai faceam lui taicamiu si am gustat si eu, era sa avea gust de rugina ceva. nu mi-a placut. oricum am de gand dar nu stiu cand o sa se intample,,.. sa fac suc dar amestec, nu simpla!?
6 years
6 years
Miki Very,very good?
6 years
6 years
DAIANAGABAR Very good article
6 years
6 years
Violeta Interesting article
6 years
6 years
frenchqueen Never had it.
6 years
6 years
Jelenajeca good article dear
6 years
6 years
Strabunica013 Wow...Un suc de Sfecla cu morcov si lamaie....
Un Deliciu + sanatos ....***
6 years
5 years
mila7272 good post.?
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Good reads
4 years
carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
The rose has just given up being a simple flower offering, and has become a symbol of beauty, health and freshness. Although rose petals have begun to be used in medicine, cosmetics and nutrition hundreds of years ago, rose petals have recently come to the forefront of the pharmaceutical industry. ... Read more
6 years
Abdelali999 Good article ,
6 years
6 years
Tomi Very nice article
6 years
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
frenchqueen This is nice
6 years
6 years
PirateBarbosa Me like it, but it made me gain so much weight, me stopped eatin’ it...☠️
6 years
6 years
Jelenajeca so nice article
6 years
6 years
svetle76 nice article
6 years
6 years
6 years
Strabunica013 Rose petals are not only used to make creams, soaps, lotions, shower gels and lipsticks, and to create perfumes but also for sweetness @carmen3521 ***
Thank you very much for the information
6 years
5 years
mila7272 good post.?
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Good reads
4 years
carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
Did you know that there is such a beauty in Vălcea County? Certainly, many of us did not know. This natural wonder is located in the Keystone Canyon, where the beautiful land of the Vâlcea opens its womb to let the viewer see the diamond or the emerald illuminate the soul, let the gods create what... Read more
6 years
Miki Beautiful, this should be seen.
6 years
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
viktorija64 nice article
6 years
6 years
Mirjana23 I like it ???
6 years
6 years
Tomi Very good article
6 years
6 years
Jelenajeca good article ??
6 years
6 years
Deliana Interesting article!
6 years
6 years
DAIANAGABAR Very good article
6 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Great article!
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Good reads
4 years
carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
This is a 14-year-old teenager, Alexandru Tălnici from Oltenita. It has created an application that helps with complex monitoring of patients hospitalized in a hospital, with whom she won the 1st place at a competition organized at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. This was the youngest of t... Read more
6 years
bravo for a young scientist
6 years
6 years
Miki Congratulations, so young and successful.
6 years
6 years
Violeta Interesting congratulations
6 years
6 years
Tomi Congratulations
6 years
6 years
Deliana Congratulations! ???
6 years
6 years
RalRey Very well. YHVH God helps this boy to develop all your scientific potential for glory and honor of Him. Congratulations.
6 years
6 years
Shavkat Another gifted was born
6 years
6 years
GregSee1 Really cool to see this sort of thing.?
6 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Great article!
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Good reads
4 years
carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
Mosaic Cake is a cake with a special dough with cocoa, rahat and candied fruit very popular with us. "rahat" in Romanian, "in English I do not know how to say. I attached the picture with "rahat" to see what it is. ingredients Pastry mosaic top 120 g flour 120 g of sugar 100 g candied apricots ... Read more
6 years
Violeta Very nice article dear
6 years
6 years
Explorer2017 delicious?
6 years
6 years
Justin Carmen,vrei sa lesinez pe aici?:)))
6 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 Mm..da stiu, lasa ca si tu ma faci sa.mi ploua.n gura cu ce postezi cateodata!??@Justin
6 years
6 years
DAIANAGABAR Very good article
6 years
6 years
dorageorg Nice article1 ?
6 years
6 years
Miki Mmmmm????
6 years
6 years
senior1819 Haven't tried but I love it?
6 years
6 years
Deliana Thanks for the recipe, my dear! ???
6 years
6 years
StarFish This is a must try :)
6 years
6 years
frenchqueen Delicious
6 years
6 years
GregSee1 Looks great!?
6 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Mmm...yummy ...Delicious ...???
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Hello
4 years
carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
(8photo) If you are a lover of the novelty stories, you must see this beauty in romania, at least in pictures. In the grandiose ridges of the Carpathian Mountains, every year, the Icicles Palace of Romania, the Hotel of Ice, revives. the only ice hotel at us, is located at over 2,000 meters in th... Read more
6 years
Melsdename That is stunning
6 years
6 years
maca1 Wonderful artikle
6 years
6 years
dorageorg Interesting article
6 years
6 years
Justin beautiful hotel dear
6 years
6 years
Deliana Great article!
6 years
6 years
kavinitu Interesting article dear
6 years
6 years
svetle76 ??????
6 years
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
senior1819 Pleased to know we don't have to go to Finland anymore?Nice article.
6 years
6 years
RasmaSandra Sounds like a beautiful place but seems much too cold for me. I would enjoy taking a look at it but then a regular hotel for me.
6 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Great article!
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Good reads
4 years
carmen3521 New article
6 years ago
For today, at lunch we prepared a little food, easy to make but very tasty. ingredients are simple, at the expense of anyone ingredients that should not be missed by any housewife in his kitchen. the ingredients are the followers: -2 medium-sized, small ones - 3 large peppers (... Read more... Read more
6 years
Violeta Yummy nice article
6 years
6 years
Ravidxb Thanks for sharing with us
6 years
6 years
maca1 Nice recipe
6 years
6 years
Frenki Yuum
6 years
6 years
dorageorg So tasty!?
6 years
6 years
frenchqueen Enjoy your lunch!
6 years
6 years
Justin ????
6 years
6 years
viktorija64 Nice recipe
6 years
6 years
Tomi Very good article
6 years
6 years
Deliana Îmi place mâncarea de ciuperci, dar fără carne!!! ???
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 Azi fost asa..dar si mie i.mi plac ciupercile fara carne, sau ciulama..ect. posibil sa-ti mai fi spus cum le dac fripte dar totusi i-ti zic din nou pt ca merita incercat. Cele mari, doar o plita pe aragaz si le pui cat un bob de mazare unt, 2,3mm dintr.un catel usturoi sare si f putin marat. Sint deliciose?.@Deliana
6 years
6 years
svetle76 Nice
6 years
6 years
Jelenajeca mmm delicious
6 years
6 years
kavinitu Looks so yummy delicious article
6 years
6 years
Nevena83 mmmm,njami
6 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Mmm...Tasty & delicious ...
5 years
4 years
Explorer2017 Delicious
4 years
