
Leigh Hobbs




Doncaster, Doncaster, England (GB)







52 photos

ScaryGal New article
6 years ago
Title : Carry On Author: Rainbow Rowell This book has a map on the insides of the covers to show what the school the characters are attending, it makes it really good for people who have trouble imaging what the schools or location would look like. This book is a fantasy/romance book and it’... Read more
6 years
Snezana ???
6 years
6 years
maca1 Hi
6 years
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
ScaryGal New article
6 years ago
Hey guys! Long time no speak! I'm back and I think I'm going to do the best I can to write articles or posts at least once a day! I thought I would start with my hair. As most of you know I lost my hair about a year ago, at first I thought it was because of my Thyroid but it turns out it was... Read more
6 years
bee That's marvellous to hear. Glad you are getting your confidence back. Your looking great too
6 years
6 years
sabtraversa I’m so happy to hear about your positive metamorphosis. The one you’re having inside, I mean. It’s a great feeling, I’ve been through that. We sometimes have to fall at the bottom to find the strength and inspiration to get up and shine more than before. ?
6 years
6 years
Mounir ?
6 years
6 years
It is great that you are starting to have your hair back.

Then again, Sinead O'Connor was brandishing her bald head...

What I am trying to say is, from your pics, with hair or no hair, you are just as pretty.

Stay positive.
6 years
ScaryGal New article
6 years ago
Hello guys! I've been away again I know haha, but I'm back now and I thought I would give a little book review! So we all know the books or movies called Twilight, I personally hated the films but I thought I would give the books a read and see if they were any good...They are! The book is Twili... Read more
6 years
Snezana nice
6 years
6 years
PirateBarbosa ...sure...the apple...look okay...smell okay...but...why ya smilin’ with yer lips tight?☠️
6 years
6 years
Miki So nice
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 ???
6 years
6 years
Tendz Great review?
6 years
6 years
askaaska Nice
6 years
6 years
Shavkat I love the book series and adapted films.
6 years
6 years
Sanja011 nice
6 years
ScaryGal New article
6 years ago
Saying goodbye is hard, it's even harder when that goodbye has to come at an unexpected turn in the road. Last night, (16th Septemeber 2018) I had to say goodbye to not one more two of my little babies. As some of you know I love my animals and I'm close with every pet I own, last night around 4... Read more
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
soncee Beautiful artikle dear
6 years
6 years
maca1 So cute cat
6 years
6 years
Ryanskie Nice article :)
6 years
6 years
NyishaHv Im so sorry scarygal, I too have lost my cat kacey who died in july. I would like to offer my condolences, if you ever want to talk about things im here ok xx
6 years
6 years
Deepizzaguy I am deeply sorry to learn about the loss of your cats.?
6 years
6 years
ScaryGal Thank you everyone xx
6 years
6 years
StarFish :'(
6 years
ScaryGal New article
6 years ago
How do you know when you’re truly over someone you thought was the love of your life? The truth don’t. You still get that butterfly feeling when you hear their name or remember your first date. You still smile when their name pops up on your phone or you go through old memories on y... Read more
6 years
Violeta Very nice article
6 years
6 years
maca1 Beautiful this artikle
6 years
6 years
viktorija64 Very nice article
6 years
6 years
Justin Very interesting
6 years
ScaryGal New article
7 years ago
Having a crush...seems like it would be something so simple...but it's not Having a crush is hard especially when you know it will never ever happen. The whole universe is sending you signs to show you that it won't work out and it'll never happen between you both but your heart, your heart has d... Read more
7 years
Justin Very interesting
7 years
7 years
JasonJRogers A really heart warming topic. Yes, It can be difficult to open up about your feelings for someone you love, not knowing if they feel the same way. A wonderful article dear.
7 years
7 years
Alex Nice article ??
7 years
7 years
soncee Interesting artikle my friend
7 years
7 years
milenazoran Very interesting article
7 years
7 years
fortune If you really feel better person being with him, may you need to talk by hearts finally?
7 years
7 years
fabio26 Unfortunately in life it happens very often to feel feelings for a person
and then maybe they are not reciprocated, you're lucky and have remained friends, sometimes exposing themselves with your own feelings you risk ruining that friendship that was there, however, you did well to express what you felt, more if you remained friend definitely is a very intelligent person :))
7 years
7 years
Fesalvia Very good article.
7 years
ScaryGal New article
7 years ago
I feel like I always talk about my anxiety and depression on here but it's my place to let it all out. I've been living with Agoraphobia for a few years now and I've decided to start writing about it, I never really knew what was wrong with me specifically until about three weeks ago. If you don'... Read more
7 years
JasonJRogers I know what its like to be around someone with Agoraphobia. My uncle Jimmy hasn't been out of the door for over twenty years. He used to live with his mum until she passed away with alzheimiers, now its just him and the cat. I feel you, the world can feel a lonely place sometimes. The times my uncle has cried on my shoulders. This is a subject that really touched me because I've had to experience seeing my uncle go through the same thing...A massive thank you for sharing and hope you all the best my dear.
7 years
7 years
ORourkeDesigns Thank you and yes people need to know about this. I have very very mild but I still get my panic attacks daily. Specially if someone knocks on my door. I only go out with my husband to walk in the streets to get my photos. Nature helps me calm down. All winter longer I went out only 8 times for a 10 minute walk. Never to malls ever I would die. People sadly don't want to talk about this some say it's all in our heads and to get over it! It's not that easy depression also comes in which makes a lot worse. Bless you dear and we can do it. Or at least try I live one sec at the time and I now try not to think about the next day or I will ho mad with fear of what it may bring. Hugs love and stay strong
7 years
7 years
ScaryGal @ORourkeDesigns Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, it's so nice that your husband is supportive of you <3
7 years
7 years
ORourkeDesigns I would die with him I can not even go out and get food he brings it home. I can not go out to the first floor of my build to even go the laundry, he does that too... there are too many people that I don't know andbit freaks me out. I have become a hermit with no friends only the ones on line. @ScaryGal
7 years
7 years
ScaryGal @ORourkeDesigns Awe I know how that feels, luckily I have a few friends that understand but it's hard because I can't do anything for myself, I can't even make my own money as I wouldn't know how. I can't get a job and I don't have amazing qualifications for an online one
7 years
7 years
Violeta Very interesting article
7 years
7 years
ORourkeDesigns I use to work and I still hope that one day I can maybe find something that would be easy. As I said I have very mild case but for me with age it's getting worse. I use to be serving the public all the time. Now I can not even look after myself @ScaryGal
7 years
7 years
soncee Nice artikle my friend
7 years
ScaryGal New article
7 years ago
Darker is the sequel book to Grey by E L James. It's fifty shades darker written from the point of view of Christian Grey. I started this book only ten days ago and haven't been able to put it down since. I've been in love with every single word and chapter within it. It's great being able to see mo... Read more
7 years
Smokey2017 I could never get into fifty shades
Give me parent trap
Father of the bride
Mrs doubtfire
Jungle book
7 years
7 years
ScaryGal @Smokey2017 I don't think they're books! Well except the jungle book! But I would love for them to be! I'd love to read Parent trap as a book I feel like it would be quite amazing
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Parent trap I can watch over and over again plus father of the bride one and two
New doubtfire is so funny too
7 years
7 years
ScaryGal @Smokey2017 I don't think I've ever watched father of the bride, I'll have to look into it! :D
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Steve Martin is so funny it is one my fav films
7 years
7 years
soncee Nice
7 years
7 years
fortune Sounds like a great book
7 years
7 years
NyishaHv Great article. I've seen the movies 50 shades of grey and the sequel. Never read the book before but sounds great.
7 years
7 years
Melsdename Great article
7 years
7 years
HazySue It sounds like a book well worth reading. I can't wait to start it. I love it when they really get into the lives of all the characters.
7 years
ScaryGal New article
7 years ago
The night of February 11th I decided I was going to dye my hair red. I took the dye I always use which is designed for bad hair like mine and set to work, I worked out that I needed to remove the clour I already had on which I did. That night when I was washing my hair I began to notice there was a ... Read more
7 years
Justin Interesting
7 years
7 years
fortune Scary experience
7 years
7 years
kavinitu Interesting
7 years
7 years
Borderline Must be horrible, I am loosing my hair a lot too but my doctor said it was normal. Do you have a healthy diet? Maybe it can help as well with the thyroid condition.
7 years
7 years
soncee Interesting post
7 years
7 years
Alex ???
7 years
7 years
ScaryGal @Borderline I'm a genuinely healthy person, I eat all the right foods and only eat junk once or twice a week. I get my five a day and I'm always drinking a lot of water. I'm sorry to hear you're losing your hair as well.
7 years
7 years
Borderline is okay no worries, I am a man on the 20's so is normal. So keep visiting the doctor as often as you can and follow strictly the instructions given by him/her in order to make your life better.
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
Lucia5 Nice
7 years
ScaryGal New article
7 years ago
Having depression I've noticed I have good and bad days. On the bad days I don't want to face the world, I'll lay in bed and do nothing with my life. But now I tend to force myself into doing things, I'll set a plan for that day even if in my head I'm telling myself I don't want to. On my bad d... Read more
7 years
soncee Good post
7 years
7 years
kavinitu Nice
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 You need to have a postive attitude
Be confident in yourself
You are stunning
You are beautful
7 years
7 years
fortune Some say that we must do only what we want and never force ourselves as then we create inner dissatisfaction and anger. But what we do not want nothing and day after day? So may it is good to force ourselves for action at least sometimes.
7 years
7 years
fabio26 nice post
7 years
7 years
HazySue A positive attitude is an absolute must. I try to list my blessings each day and be thankful. You need to remember all the good things in your life.
7 years
