
Jacky Hughes


29 Sep 1955




Oxford, Oxfordshire, England (GB)


Freelance Writer





6 photos

HappyLady New article
6 years ago
You had to "go" now. Daddy wanted the bathroom. "Otherwise," he says, "you will have to hold on, and wait." An impossible task for a three year old, but maybe worth the trouble if Daddy allowed you in. Pitch black, dark. Every chink of light gone. even the half light let in by the frosted Bathro... Read more
6 years
viktorija64 nice artikle
6 years
6 years
Deliana Lovely story, thanks for sharing! ???
6 years
6 years
senior1819 That is a good camera?
6 years
6 years
maca1 Great artikle
6 years
HappyLady New article
8 years ago
How to overcome procrastination and become a better person Confessions of a writing procrastinator I am a writer, or at least I say I am. Truth is, I procrastinate and my laptop is full of unfinished projects. I always mean to do something with the files, but they lay unfinished inside my writ... Read more
8 years
Sheryl I felt it
8 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
HazySue Love it. So much good information and suggestions found in here.
7 years
6 years
dorageorg ???
6 years
6 years
viktorija64 so much good information
6 years
HappyLady New article
8 years ago
This is Freya the Catblog Cat speaking. I have been a blogging cat for years now. In the nature of cats I try to investigate whatever corner of the Internet I can. My carreer began when I earned a reasonable amount on a site like this. It was called Bubblews and is now defunct. That is a pity ... Read more
8 years
NyishaHv Your cat is absolutely adorable :) I also have a cat.??
8 years
8 years
HappyLady I know and she realy does sometimes blog to contribute to her keep!
8 years
8 years
LAFFINGKNOME Great article and nice to hear from an intelligent cat!
8 years
8 years
Wandrnrose7 I was on Bubblews, too. It was good for a while. ?
8 years
HappyLady New article
8 years ago
Notes for eBook Making Jacky Hughes Copyright 2017 Jacky Hughes All rights reserved Introduction Everybody seems to be writing eBooks so why shouldn’t you? It’s simple. You can self–publish and start selling almost as soon as your manuscript is written. There is nothing to be afrai... Read more
8 years
ze2000 Interesting read. I struggle to write in English, I can write perfectly in my language though.
8 years
8 years
HappyLady English is not that easy, even for the English!
8 years
HappyLady New article
8 years ago
MY ONLINE LINE DRAWING AS ART TO DE-STRESS I made the picture of the cat accompanying this article using a photo editor. That is a good way of making a line picture and of course you can mess around with other edit functions too. That is my favourite way to use art to de-stress online. However... Read more
8 years
Alex Very nice
8 years
8 years
Bilston Great
8 years
8 years
ze2000 I like editing too, it does relax
8 years
8 years
HappyLady for your comments guys.
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 Lovely
8 years
6 years
Shavkat c",)
6 years
HappyLady New article
8 years ago
Stress can kill. Who hasn’t read that at some time, somewhere? It’s true. People die of it. For that reason, stress has a bad name. Whoever we are, whatever we do, we all have to learn to manage our stress levels. however, it is not always bad. There is both positive and negative stress affec... Read more
8 years
Mohrem Hallo HappyLady, great post! We all have different levels of stress everyday so that was a brilliant topic to deal with. Your tips to reducing stress make sense and I would just like to add something to it. Time. Letting time pass over things we have no control over tends to heal our souls. The death of a loved one, divorce, working through getting an addiction among other problems sometimes requires that we just give ourselves time and aim to seek positive distractions and gradually things get better!
8 years
8 years
HappyLady Thank you for commenting and your kind words. It is great to hear your additions.
8 years
7 years
averygirl72 Thank you for this article. I'm having a lot of stress in my life lately. Thanks for all the information
7 years
