

3 photos

Mohrem New article
8 years ago
Did you know that not breaking the learning process during your whole lifetime keeps your brain power strong by enhancing memory and allowing brain cells to to communicate efficiently regardless of your age? Learning a foreign language, reading books, playing a new instrument or constructing new hob... Read more
7 years
7 years
Mohrem New article
8 years ago
I have often read or heard that if you lose the first time, you should thank your stars, that is your blessing. The disease attacks mostly those who won that first time, the ones that experienced that overwhelming thrill and had a wonderful fantasy about how they were going to build an empire becaus... Read more
8 years
ze2000 Not sure why gambling is still legal. Taxes I suppose.
8 years
8 years
Mohrem I don't get it either.
8 years
8 years
NyishaHv I really don't like gambling. I think it appeals to people that don't have a lot of money in the first place. Bookmakers, Casinos try to project this idea that you can base your income on hope. If that were the case, they'd go out of business because everyone would be 'winning'.
8 years
Mohrem New article
8 years ago
We all pick that drink with good intentions, to feel better, to fit in, to relax, as a little treat or just to make the party merrier, after all that lovely bottle of wine that you love so much is on sale and you drank a spinach smoothie almost everyday of this week! Nobody chooses to be a drunk or ... Read more
8 years
Flutterbydee Goodness, what a sad condition 'problem drinker' is. Thank you for sharing these experiences. Hope it never catches me.
8 years
8 years
ze2000 What about changing environment for some time?
8 years
8 years
Mohrem Sure, changing environment can be used as one of the tools to enhance treatment. Often, an alcoholic will be caught by people they know in very ridiculous situations and in an attempt to overcome that shame they drink more to forget the experience only to fall into deeper shameful acts and the disease spirals so fast. Moving to a new place and starting over can be very efficient in recovery in my opinion.
8 years
