
Kim Johnson




Oceanside, San Diego, California (US)

66 photos

KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
Five dogs and their pack of 3 people. “Myself, my son and daughter in law”, took a five mile hike to see an abandoned Copper Mine… I took so many photographs along the way. These pictures are of the Copper Creek, the Trail and the Dogs. We started off on an old wagon trail, “Lone Jack R... Read more
8 years
LiaF7 Lovely :) Did you know that "escondido" is a portuguese and spanish word meaning "HIDDEN" ?
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Everything around here is named either in Spanish or Native American :D
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson I grew up in Vista and boy does it have a view!
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 Vista is also a Portuguese word :)
8 years
8 years
Wandrnrose7 I'm jealous! It looks remarkable.
8 years
8 years
ze2000 I love your posts!
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Omg Lia, no wonder we have so many Portuguese words. It makes it easy to pick out words in your language, if you could just slow down a bit. lol Thank u so much for the articles. So wonderful.
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Thank you Wandrnrose and zeeeee2000!
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 Most people don't know that portuguese navigation techniques were a bit ahead of the spanish in those days and most of ship captains were portuguese some working for the portuguese crown and others for the spanish crown. Christopher Colombus was portuguese and it has been proven (working for tha spanish crown). Lot of genealogy documents in this and many researchers theories.
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 Many nautical measuring instruments were invented by the portuguese, that's how they got so far in the seas :) @kimjohnson thank you :)
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson @liaF7 So much wonderful history.
8 years
KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
All of these are growing wild! Sage - You can cut the fresh flowers and use them as a decoration on a cake, use them to make herbed vinegar, pour hot water over them for tea, or dry and store them to use in the winter, when fresh flowers are rare. African Iris - Was first described as a genus i... Read more
8 years
Wandrnrose7 Magnificent
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 Beautiful Kim. I have a problem with wild flowers, love them, but don't know the name of most of them. Except for the African Iris, the rest are very familiar to me :)
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Thank you @wandrnrose7 and @laif7 I have the same problem. I did find a few good lists with pictures for our area.
8 years
7 years
olavn54 So beauty post
7 years
KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
Mni Wakan - Lakota for Water is Sacred. Mni Wiconi - Water is Life. I would like to post some of my favorite water pictures to remember that one year ago, we began our struggle against clean water in our country. Being half Nez Perce Native American we were called upon by the Lakota in North Da... Read more
8 years
LiaF7 Great text and even greater photos. Loved it.
8 years
8 years
TeriRoss I wish I could have been there!!! Wouldn't it be amazing if we could actually take back our country? What a wonderful country this would be if the settlers had chosen to live among the Natives and adopted our ways.
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Thanks @Liaf7 ! And @TeriRoss No doubt, sighs, its sad.
8 years
KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
I have several folders of random things one might find while out hiking the off the beaten trails, some are no more than coyote trails. What do you think I found? Clue 1. There are several of those in the trees, brush, woods, canyons, etc. On one of those hikes we found, first off, a ball o... Read more
8 years
LiaF7 Is that some kind of scarecrow?
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson I believe so. lol
8 years
KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
One of my favorite things to do is get up close and personal with my subjects. I love macros. The definition of a macro is life size or bigger. In the first photo, you can see my tomatoes just beginning to form, with all the little hairs on the vine. In the second, the you can see the wings, ey... Read more
8 years
LiaF7 Absolutely lovely Kim. The first photo without reading, I thought is was pumpkin vines.
8 years
KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
Photo 1: Do you remember the movie, "Castaway"? The face he painted on the ball and named, Wilson was this face. Someone had a since of humor. You never know what you will find when out exploring the back country of San Diego County. Photos 2 and 3: We found some old ruins, it was a buil... Read more
8 years
ze2000 Wilson should have got an oscar to the best secondary role. He nailed it without saying a word.
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson lol no doubt ze
8 years
8 years
ze2000 Maybe someone had crops there decades ago.
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 If it were here in Portugal with gps coordinates taken to local city hall it would be enough to find out whose house it was. Lovely photos/adventure Kim :)
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson ze, I think they did, there is an old foundation for a homestead close. This was all farm country when I was young.
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Lia, really??? That is so awesome. Wish we had that here.
8 years
KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
It took us the better part of a half day to find the "cave". The area is within a 110 acre wild life preserve. This was just on the other side of the left side of the rim. It's not really a cave, but an old exploratory mine, known as an "adit". This adit was used long ago... Read more
8 years
LiaF7 I did enjoy :) Story and photos. Congrats Kim
8 years
8 years
bee Amazing knowledge. Thanks for sharing @KimJohnson
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Thanks Lia and bee!
8 years
KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
A lot of people don't know that San Diego has it's own volcano that was active 15 million years ago. This is called Calavera Volcano. It is in Carlsbad California. Just across a valley from where I live currently. Great place to hike and check out a little history. The plug you see cont... Read more
8 years
ze2000 I would love to visit california but I just can't at the moment... :(
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson You can visit on my short little hikes then :) @ze2000
8 years
8 years
ze2000 yes! I love it. I am impressed by the natural parks you have there.
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 I didn't know. Thank you for showing us :)
8 years
8 years
Borderline Amazing!
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Thank you all :)
8 years
KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
It has been so cold and gloomy the last few weeks on the coast in San Diego's North County. We laughingly call this time of year, "June Gloom" which follows the persistent "May Grey". So, by this time of year I was wanting some sunshine and warmer weather, What better way than to distance your... Read more
8 years
luluarte We have similar flowers here :D
8 years
8 years
SHOHANA wow nice pic
8 years
8 years
Flutterbydee We have them in London too luluarte. The blooms fade so fast if picked. Do you have a garden at home Kim?
8 years
8 years
Lucia5 Nice post!
8 years
8 years
MegyBella amazing place
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Thank you all, we have so much in common around the world. Not at this time Dee. Someday soon I hope to have a home. Right now I rent a room.
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 Funny... only saw this article now and had sent a photo with these kind of flowers to luluarte this afternoon showing where I was. Lovely Kim :)
8 years
KimJohnson New article
8 years ago
I have to start with Maggie Mae, (Maggie Mae, Song from Rod Stewart) She was picked up wondering a neighborhood in the town I live in, when the Humane Society I worked for got a call that there was an emaciated dog digging in the trash cans. The animal control had problems getting her an... Read more
8 years
lourdeshd6 Hi dear ???
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson OH yay, Hi there, good to see you here! Have fun, look forward to your awesome photos.
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 15 years... a lifetime :) So much pacience and love and you conquered her. Beautiful story Kim.
8 years
8 years
KimJohnson Thank you Lia, and thank you so much for your help. :)
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 You're welcome dear :)
8 years
