By KimJohnson
8 years ago

The small stuff...

One of my favorite things to do is get up close and personal with my subjects. I love macros. The definition of a macro is life size or bigger.
In the first photo, you can see my tomatoes just beginning to form, with all the little hairs on the vine.
In the second, the you can see the wings, eyes, and mouth of this Blue Damselfly. Some people think these are dragonflies, but they are damselflies.
One of the easiest ways to know if you are looking at a damsel or a dragonfly is that when damselflies rest, they rest with the wings closed. The dragonfly will rest with his wings open, shown in third frame.
In the last frame, you can see a tiny plant, just emerging from the soil. It was about the size of my pinky nail in size.

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8 years
LiaF7 Absolutely lovely Kim. The first photo without reading, I thought is was pumpkin vines.
8 years