Rudbekija know to us a purist, this large flowered plant orignates from North America and looks like a large white work with very prominent latis in all shades of yellow, orange red.
It belongs to the families of Asteracea and it's flowers is actually a swarm that consists of hundreds of dark brown tubers, with only one attack the middle part in the from of a cone, forms a kind of leakage whose purpose is to attracts insects that can hunt him from all sides, while the petals are turned down.
Each plant during the summer to the first frost produces a multitude of flowers of a specific scent whose number grown from year to year. The most widespread is Rudbeckia hirta, whose height is sometimes 70 centimeters and is often planted in borders or made of it by sacred islands, which represent a beautiful colored oasis.
There are also varieties of smaller sites, suitable for growing in post or for setting up lea in the summer time.
Apart from the standard warm atm orange and red tones, thanks to hybridization, latise rudbecks can be other shades, even in combination of contrasting colors.
These strong resistant plants often grow spontaneously in the growing gardens.
It belongs to the families of Asteracea and it's flowers is actually a swarm that consists of hundreds of dark brown tubers, with only one attack the middle part in the from of a cone, forms a kind of leakage whose purpose is to attracts insects that can hunt him from all sides, while the petals are turned down.
Each plant during the summer to the first frost produces a multitude of flowers of a specific scent whose number grown from year to year. The most widespread is Rudbeckia hirta, whose height is sometimes 70 centimeters and is often planted in borders or made of it by sacred islands, which represent a beautiful colored oasis.
There are also varieties of smaller sites, suitable for growing in post or for setting up lea in the summer time.
Apart from the standard warm atm orange and red tones, thanks to hybridization, latise rudbecks can be other shades, even in combination of contrasting colors.
These strong resistant plants often grow spontaneously in the growing gardens.