8 years ago

LOVE me , LOVE you , LOVE life , LOVE belief

Life is too short to waste any amount of time on wondering what other people think about you. In the first place, if they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn't have the time to sit around and talk about you. What's important to me is not others' opinions of me, but what's important to me is my opinion of myself. The person in life that you will always be with the most, is yourself. Because even when you are with others, you are still with yourself, too! When you wake up in the morning, you are with yourself, laying in bed at night you are with yourself, walking down the street in the sunlight you are with yourself. What kind of person do you want to walk down the street with? What kind of person do you want to wake up in the morning with? What kind of person do you want to see at the end of the day before you fall asleep? Because that person is yourself, and it's your responsibility to be that person you want to be with. I know I want to spend my life with a person who knows how to let things go, who's not full of hate, who's able to smile and be carefree. So that's who I have to be........

It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being......

Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about....
8 years
ze2000 I suppose people care because an approval of the world that surrounds you endorses you as one of the "group".
8 years
8 years
HappyLady If you have high self esteem you will always get on. I do so agree that we should not worry what others think too much. I wish I had not done so when I was younger and just got on with things.
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Good post..
8 years