
Maydelene Sulite




Phuket, , Phuket (TH)

14 photos

Maydelene New article
8 years ago
Here's a BEAF STEAK MARINADE.. ( My version ).. My Mother used to cook for us.. Specially this Recipe because one of her favorite Food.. If has special occassion in our Home this Recipe food always present served! Lets start..! Prepare : Beef Loin ( As you desired ).. 1/4 Cup Soy Sauce ... Read more
8 years
ze2000 It's been a long time I haven't had a good piece of beef meat, this makes me hungry
8 years
8 years
LiaF7's in marinade. How do you cook it?
8 years
6 years
Shavkat Nice one
6 years
Maydelene New article
8 years ago
I know there are many People who are not Christians, and there are people also who are Prejudice in Christianity.. Whatever your beliefs right now I respect you all.. I will just share an Article to those People who believed that there is God in Heaven to Thank for.. There's a sayin... Read more
8 years
ze2000 I don't think people have prejudice on Christians or other faiths. It's the misuse of religion itself what causes concern. I feel admiration for how self-disciplined religious people can be sometimes.
8 years
6 years
Shavkat I agree
6 years
Maydelene New article
8 years ago
This i share to you the " 8 SECRETS OF HEALTH " NEW START : N- utrition - Everyone should have a balance diet.. Need to eat Nutricious food everyday including Fruits and Vegetables and enough intake of Fluids.. E... Read more
Maydelene New article
8 years ago
I really Admire those Single Mothers, who are taking care of their children, Bringing them to school and Raising them.. I know its really hard to be a single parent, i understand the hardships and Difficulties, specially when Children get sick! Really hardt it is.. I know the feeling coz im ... Read more
8 years
LAFFINGKNOME I salute all single mothers too. But there are single fathers too and they should be saluted too!
8 years
Maydelene New article
8 years ago
Ingredients : 2 to 2 1/2 Cups of peeled Squash sliced into small shreds 1/4 Cup Flour 1 Tablespoon Cooking Oil ( Olive Oil, Vegetable Oil or Soya Oil.. Up to the one preparing it.. ) 1 Small Onion chopped Garlic chopped Onion Leaf sliced 1 Egg ( Beaten ) 1/8 Teaspoon Grou... Read more
8 years
Alex It looks yummy ?
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 It reminds me of the portuguese "peixinhos da horta" but instead of pumpkin we put green beans.
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Thanks Alex
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Anything! Any vege can put to this ungredients..
8 years
Maydelene New article
8 years ago
A Gossipers - Are known for their habbitual habbits of spreading rumors and Sensitive issues Enthusiastically.. Not tired of opening their mouth telling people negative things.. Cannot live a day without gossiping! A Cannibalism - Is eating human flesh.. Now is there Difference? or Connectin... Read more
Maydelene New article
8 years ago
Do we really need to eat Deserts after our meal?? Well it depends what type of Deserts if it comes from Natural like Fruits with no Artificial Sugar no problem, but if has High Sugar deserts danger.. Well according to research last June 2007 from ” The Journal of Nutrition ” High intake or t... Read more
8 years
LiaF7 It is also said that cancer cells multiply quickly if we eat much sugar...
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 My biggest sin is that I am crazy for cakes and chocolates.
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Truly! Cancer cells will multiply..
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Truly! Cancer cells will multiply..
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Truly! Cancer cells will multiply..
8 years
Maydelene New article
8 years ago
Did you know that Manila is known by its Historic Places and Tourists Spots.. The Manila metropolitan area into one unit--a "mega-city"--called "Metro Manila." It is governed as one unit by a governor, who coordinates its functions and services through the various city and municipal officials, very ... Read more
8 years
bee Wow!! I did not know that
8 years
8 years
bibinvarghese wow its reallyy beautiful i dont think that philippines have these type of large cities
8 years
8 years
Maydelene We have many large cities in the Philippines we have already 7 star hotel
8 years
8 years
Borderline Really beautiful place!
8 years
6 years
Shavkat Nice shot
6 years
Maydelene New article
8 years ago
Forgiving others is not only you still want them in your life, but in order for you to have peace of mind.. If you do not forgive someone.. You gonna have troubles in your mind always Stress! And we all know if we are stressed all are affected, our Attitde number one we cannnot show kindness and g... Read more
8 years
bee Life is too short
8 years
8 years
bibinvarghese yes i forgive my bad thing always positive now
8 years
6 years
Shavkat Nice article
6 years
Maydelene New article
8 years ago
Prepare 2 Cups of Oatmeal, Half of a Carrot, should be sliced into small diced Bellpepper, sliced into small dice Iodized Salt, Black pepper powder, Onion Should be sliced into small Garlic sliced in small 1 Egg, I Chicken or Beef cubes or powder.. If you are Vegetarian no need to include ... Read more
8 years
fifileigh sounds interesting. i might try it in the future, but make it vegan.
8 years
8 years
bibinvarghese wow yummy one
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 This seems easy and very good :)
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Very easy to do friends..
8 years
