By Maydelene
7 years ago


This i share to you the " 8 SECRETS OF HEALTH "


N- utrition - Everyone should have a balance diet.. Need to eat Nutricious
food everyday including Fruits and Vegetables and enough
intake of Fluids..

E- xercise - We must see to it, we have a regular exercise.. Keeping your
Body at healthy weight to avoid illnesses and diseases..

W- ater - Everyone should drink 8 Glasses to 10 Glasses daily, helps
maintain Balance of our Body fluids..

S-unlight - We need to go under the sun to expose to sunlight its good
for our skin, not only that! It's very
Important, in order for us to have a good mood and balance
Circulation of Blood.. People not exposed to sunlight always

Temperance - Everyone should have a temperance or a Self control! There
is a saying that " Too much of everything is not good! " so
wether too much eating, too much party, too much Anger!
We are violating the Law of Health.. needs Temperance..

Air - We need to have a fresh air.. deep breathing, now adays Pollution
around not safe, we need to go up in a high level area like
mountain climbing, or in a forest, or in the Beach side or in a
country side... Many ways to have a fresh Air in our body..

Rest - We need to have enough rest its important to our Body atleast 8
hours daily, or atleast 1 hour nap in the afternoon! Again its in
The Law of Health To have a complete rest...

Trust In God - Whatever your Religion or Beliefs you should have Faith and
Trust, be Prayerful always and have Meditaion..

I used to Lecture this Topic when i was Anchor in a Radio in the Philippines.. Hoping that this " 8 Secrets of Health " can help us and be a Healthy reminder on Us...