By evanmurray
8 days ago

How to Recover Muscles After a Workout

What does recovery depend on?

From many body systems, including the hormonal and nervous systems. It is difficult to influence the recovery process in a positive format, but still possible. The main thing is to follow all the rules. Each of them is of little value separately, but together they have a noticeable effect.

Dosage of load

Excessive training volume leads to overtraining. Physiological stress during training is good, because it triggers adaptation and growth mechanisms. However, its excessive amount overloads the central nervous system, as a result of which the body receives a huge share of stress. Such overload of the body is considered a threat from which it is necessary to protect itself. The body stops adapting and begins to save the body's resources in order to survive another stress of this format.

Therefore, overtraining completely kills progress, whether it is losing weight or gaining muscle mass. Recovery is primarily affected by a sufficient level of load. Not too much and not too little. Follow a simple principle - it is better to under-do an exercise than to bring yourself to unnecessary failure, which undermines the state of the central nervous system.

Practical advice: if you feel tired or unmotivated, take a rest or skip a workout. Also, make sure you do an adequate amount of work during each workout. You should not leave the gym feeling exhausted and depressed – this is an indicator of a worn-out central nervous system along with digestive system


Getting enough sleep determines the normal balance of hormones. The release of testosterone, growth hormone, etc. - all this plays a vital role in the speed of recovery. It is important to note that the normal amount of sleep is the range from 6 to 8 hours per day. We are talking about night sleep without interruptions.

However, the amount of sleep is not as important as the regime. It is necessary to let the body get used to a single daily routine (day-night). The body must get used to the regime in order to know at what time to activate the greatest synthesis of the most important hormones.

A typical mistake of beginners is focusing on the amount of sleep, not on its quality and time of falling asleep. Young fitness enthusiasts can play games on the computer or chat on VK until the morning, but then sleep 6-8 hours, naively believing that they are following a regimen, because they sleep quite a lot. No, this is not true. The balance of hormones directly depends on the time of falling asleep, namely on the time of day.

Practical advice: go to bed at the same time every night. 11:00 PM is probably too early for a modern person. But 12:00 AM as a point of departure into the kingdom of Morpheus is quite feasible. This will dramatically speed up recovery after strength training.


Calorie balance is important for recovery. If there are not enough calories, the speed of this process will slow down significantly. It is believed that protein and its quantity play a key role here. This is not entirely true. The most important is the overall balance of all nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Moreover, the latter play a significant role in anti aging Carbohydrates can quickly restore the energy resources spent on training and at the same time normalize the insulin balance, which is responsible for the delivery of proteins and other plastic resources to the muscles.

Don't be afraid of carbohydrates, even simple ones. After a workout, they will help you recover quickly. You won't gain excess weight and fat if the total amount of calories you get from food does not significantly exceed your expenditure.

Practical advice: after training, eat a small amount of carbohydrates. This could be a banana, a protein chocolate bar, 0.5 l of sweet soda, etc. Make each meal balanced, containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This will significantly speed up recovery.

Recovery after training – nuances

Just 3 main factors, understanding which will allow you to recover more effectively. Do not look for secret methods that promise recovery in 30 minutes. Maintaining normal caloric intake, adequate volume of load during training against the background of quality sleep will give the best result.

You can also add some small life hacks to this list:

Post-workout massage
Warm bath 20-30 minutes
Light warm-up the next morning
30-40 minutes of sleep shortly after exercise and meals
Supplements for recovery

No supplements can speed up the recovery of a healthy person. Protein can be obtained from regular food. Gainer is a set of simple carbohydrates, no better than a chocolate bar. Melatonin and other night complexes work as weak sleeping pills, which causes addiction.

Instead of looking for a magic pill, focus on the three factors above. That will be more than enough.

Steroids and their role in recovery

Beginners believe that steroids can be used to train frequently, because they supposedly speed up recovery, but even such pharmacological drugs cannot do this. The reason is that too many processes are involved in recovery. Steroids cannot affect the condition of the kidneys, intestines, central nervous system and other organs that make a significant contribution to the speed of muscle recovery

Steroids improve the quality of recovery. If you used to accumulate 100g of glycogen after training, now you will accumulate 125g. This is approximately how the mechanism of steroids influence recovery looks like. But even such drugs, prohibited by law, are not able to speed up recovery. Therefore, we once again ask you to forget about searching for a magic pill for recovery.

Final Words

It is not difficult to speed up recovery after training, but you will have to put in some effort. All methods have long been known and are not a novelty or a secret discovery of recent years. A regimen, dosed training and balanced nutrition. Nothing new.