Aglais urticae, Vanessa urticaeKorevka or tunic (science Aglis urticee, son Numfalis urticee) - a very represented colorful butt
Aglais urticae, Vanessa urticaeKorevka or tunic (science Aglis urticee, son Numfalis urticee) - a very represented colorful butterfly that lives in the temperate regions of Europe and throughout Macedonia. [1] This species of butterflies is often encountered in the gardens. The caterpillars feed on concrete as well as some other colorful appetites. The red butterfly has a striking appearance, with a dark body and red yellow wings, with red blue spots around the back. However, they are dark brown from the lower part of the side of their spokes, which helps them to cover themselves at rest. In danger, a butterfly stops suddenly opening the doors, displaying a dramatic color of colors. This scares young and uninvited birds (Stevens 2005). The crustacean (Aglais (urticae) ichnusa) is very similar; pity has not yet been determined whether it is a subspecies or a particular species
olavn54 › So beautiful
Ravidxb › amazing
rmtm198 › colourful one
MegyBella › Great
mila7272 › So beautiful
carmen3521 › So nice
soncee › Beautiful
Shavkat › I love the butterfly's colors
Strabunica013 › Interesting article !