By TammyWhite
7 years ago

Breakfast is important

After a good night's rest, the sugar (glucose) levels in the blood are very low. You have been without food for 6-10 hours. Your body is basically empty in the morning.

Eat breakfast, break the fast and replenish glucose levels. Glucose is the body's energy source.

Energy for the brain

The brain feeds on glucose, but does not have the capacity to store it. You have more and better concentration when you have had breakfast. If you have an important job to do in the morning, make sure you eat well so that your brain performs better.

Energy for muscles

Glucose also fuels the muscles, so you feel less tired and more energetic in general, when you eat breakfast.

It is important to eat a nutritious and healthy breakfast that contains grains, since its digestion is of uniform form and maintains your level of energy throughout the day. Eating donuts and / or sugary products will give you a peak of glucose, (a lot of energy) followed by a big fall, (you will feel tired almost immediately). You will be hungry again and you will eat sugar again earning more weight.

Eating breakfast gives you energy, increasing physical activity during the day. Skipping breakfast is associated with decreased physical activity.

Lose Weight with Breakfast

Studies have shown that people who do not eat breakfast are usually more overweight than people who eat a nutritious breakfast.

Eating breakfast reduces hunger during the day, making it easier to avoid overeating. When you skip breakfast, you will feel hungry later and want a quick solution, such as eating a duck with Orange (gansito with orange soda). Eat cookies, potatoes or whatever you find in the corner store. In addition, prolonged fasting - which occurs when you skip breakfast - can increase the body's response to insulin, causing fat storage and therefore weight gain. In fact, skipping breakfast actually increases the risk of obesity.

Eating breakfast takes you on the right path to make healthy choices every day. People who eat breakfast regularly tend to eat a healthier diet - more nutritious and lower in fat. When you skip breakfast, you're also more likely to end up not eating fruits and vegetables the rest of the day.

Unfortunately, more and more people do not eat breakfast. If you are one of them - because you are trying to save time or reduce calorie intake - you may need to consider your diet, especially if you want to control your weight.

#heartxheart #supportonlyoriginal #reportilegalcontent
7 years
Violeta Enjoy dear
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7 years
Deliana The most important meal of the day!
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Zanida3 Enjoy
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iiiPhotography Very important
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AdeelKazim informative
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OlgaLifeLover True
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Ravidxb Thanks for sharing with us
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MC Great article
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