By Bluetechno
7 years ago

TransformationTuesday by Bluetechno. Being average is not for Tuetegos!

#health & #fitness article by Bluetechno

....and this is just the beginning there's a lot more to still come.

Fake it till you make it! I don't consider myself as a bodybuilder but I have seen some improvement and I ask myself the same question: "How much do you want it?" every single time I step into the nearby gym and I make every minute count. What's more focus on every single rep to be a better you and everyday train harder than you did the day before. It's about getting closer and closer to your expectations.

Nothing beats transforming into a better, stronger version of yourself! Before some years I always made up excuses, that tomorrow I am gonna stop eating all this crap, the next day I would say the same thing, and the next and the next. Many people are going through the same thing right now but you have to know you are not alone but you just have to learn the importance of patience.

*Repeat with me, today is the is the day! TODAY is the DAY!!!!!!*

It's time to set your plans into motion and make a daily ritual of generating small wins for yourself. Do so, and I guarantee that your small wins will add up quickly, and you will grow more confident and closer to what you ultimately want to achieve with each passing day.

### Now let's go to the **"why to start going to the gym"** part. ##

##### Well there some disadvantages the known injuries but the advantages you get are priceless. Gym workouts help you first of all to have a beautiful body and if this not enough it's age resistant as recent studies say, lifts your mood and beats anxiety, strengthens the heart and protects health from diseases, the bad to your health fats are being removed slowly slowly, helps sleeping better, prevents osteoporosis and even prevents cancer. Not enough? Another benefit of gym workout is that it exercises the brain, workouts boost the chemicals in the brain and the degeneration of the hippocampus is prevented. To conclude because the benefits are many but your time at tuetego is important it even sharpens memory and a protein of brain the "BDNF" increases in the body giving results as higher thinking and learning and decision making.

And as Tom Coleman said *"If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it."*

Thank you for your time,
Time is money.
Remember to stay motivated and stay active on Tuetego!
7 years
Violeta Very good
7 years
7 years
soncee Hi
7 years
7 years
AnceAne Very inspiring! thumbs up?
7 years
7 years
ze2000 Hopefully I will soon be able to get some extra time to go to the gym.
7 years
7 years
LiaF7 Lookin' good
7 years
7 years
Smokey2017 Nice
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
MegyBella ?
7 years