The plant blossoms very shortly only there weeks during October and November, in the third year more than half of the bilbs give only one flower.
Later they produce two, then three, to nine nuns, which are collected.
The open latis, early in the morning, in order to remove the ends on the same day.
It is a good source of minerals, copper, potassium, Calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc and magnesium, Vitamin A, B- group and C, and strong antioxidant such as beta -carotene, Safran is a reall health benefit.
In ancient times he used to cure numerous diseases, inflammation of the kudneys, heart and digestive disorders.
Inhalation alleviates migraine and vertigo, while the high content of vitamin B2 recommends it in the case of anemia.
It has been scientifically proven that cricetin, an ingredient in Safran, lovers the level of fat, blood triglyceride cholesterol, which prevents the onset of cardiovascular diseases.
Mins of this shade has a sedative effect and eliminates stress and depression.
Recently it has often been mentioned as a means of preventing cancer.
In the sale Safran can be packed in very small quantities, in the form of dried fibers or crumblu (most often three ends, which are crushed to dust before water).
It is enough that one end of the water is bissolved in hot Water and thus added to the meal.
This spice gives a special flavor to rice, cheese and wafers, chichen, Fish and other types of meat, even with cookies.