By Justin
7 years ago

Tulips Menton

Remember Spring 2017 in my beautiful garden,

Beautiful Tulips Menton is a cute single late flowering variety.The exterior is coloured china rose pink,the edges with light orange stripes,the inside poppy red with a white vein.Tall fine sturdy stems support framed in spears of forest green foliage.Withits upright habit reaching 60 cm these make an excellent focal point at the back of a bed or border and make a beautiful cut flower.Flowers mid -may.
Height : 50 cm
Soil Type : Well drained garden soil
Tulips delight during their growth in a sunny location.After the tulips have bloomed and when leaves face and turn brown the bulbs can be lifted,dried,cleaned and stored in a cool place until planting time.Tulips should not be grown in the same soil for several years,so replace with fresh soil every other year.

7 years
7 years
7 years
Violeta Great article
7 years
7 years
Abdelali999 Beautiful
7 years
7 years
soncee So beautiful
7 years
7 years
Ravidxb very beautiful captured
7 years
7 years
mila7272 Beautiful
7 years
7 years
dorageorg Great!
7 years
7 years
fabio26 beautiful tulips :)
7 years
7 years
tusziget Great article.Tulips are my favorite flowers.
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Great
7 years
7 years
senior1819 Like tulips very much, especially yellow!
7 years
6 years
Strabunica013 Beautiful tulips :)
6 years