Patlagina (PLANTAGO) heals cough, lowers cholesterol, treats urinary infections
It is not a pretentious plant, and if you need its benefits, you can find it in winter, with a green leaf, under the thick snow layer.
From the patlagine, for therapeutic purposes, leaves rich in vitamin A, C and K are used in mucilages and tannins, but also in minerals: calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium.During this period, when respiratory infections make new victims daily, it is especially helpful to have internally used patlagina in bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, gastroduodenal ulcer, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, cough, rheumatism, stomatitis , atherosclerosis, haemorrhages, but also externally, in case of abscesses, herpes, bumps, cuts, furunculus, rheumatic articular inflammation, certain forms of skin cancer, ulcer, varicose veins.
Infusion and fresh patlagina leaves are used to treat insect bites, furuncles, in the treatment of external haemorrhoids. The decoction of patlagine leaves treats old, heavily healed injuries.
Efficiency also in shingles
Cataplasms with patlagina calm the pains caused by shingles. Leaves of freshly pickled, well-washed, dried and dried leaves in a clean towel can be placed directly on the wounds or furnace after it has passed over them with the ductile to leave the juice.
In case of cold, sore throat and chest pain, coughing, three to four cups of patlagine tea can be drunk per day. Over one to two teaspoons of dried and crushed plant pour 200 ml of hot water, cover the dish and leave to infuse for a few minutes. Sweat, swim with honey of polyp or honey and a little sugar and drink hot, swallow with sips for 10 to 15 minutes. If your throat hurts, tea does not drink hot because it will irritate your throat harder and delay healing.
Few know that patlagina, in the form of tincture, prepared in the house, spring, from young leaves, also treats urinary infections. Patlagine tincture can be used for two years after harvesting the plant.
Fill a jar of fresh leaves of patlagine without losing it, pouring alcohol, home made sauce or vodka in order to cover them. The vessel, well closed, is allowed to soak for 15 days, during which it shakes several times a day. Then squeeze and the tincture is kept cold in dark, dark bottles. Take 10 to 15 drops or even a teaspoon, diluted in water, against the aforementioned conditions.
Diluted tincture in water is used as a mouthwash and against toothache. Also, gargle is used against stomatitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, throat and other mouth infections.