By eugenemeric
7 years ago

My dear grandmother


I remember nostalgia with my grandmother. Mamaia better said ... we (I was sorry) so I knew my mother's mother "My Mamaita"
I was marrying Mariana on the wires of her beard, on the blooms of the flowers in the garden, on the large tomatoes we took directly from the bush, the nest of the nest and the most tormented cat ...
I do not think they can even imagine our children how beautiful our childhood was.
"- Mamaie, do not take the eggs under the chicken to go out when the poplar makes it saute quince."
"- More dear mother, let the buds live, enjoy the beauty of the good of the Good."
"" Let's go to wash your food. "Aghia breathes the sweetest dick that you've been kissing her sock since you've been barking."
"- Drago mamaii, do not go to sleep, go with mamaita thank good we lived one day, we had our mouths and that we got ... well we got acoustic to our bones."
Without minimizing the influence of our parents, the education they received from them ... I can say that Mamaia played a very important role, the dance being the one that answered many questions of childhood and adolescence.
A man among people has always lived with care not to hurt, not to disturb ... to help, to be useful, to share his love without everyone's boundaries.
I miss your smile so much!
(Google translate)


Imi amintesc cu nostalgie de bunica. Mamaia mai bine spus... noi( eu si sormea ) asa am stiut-o pe mama mamei mele "Mamaita mea"
Ma ciondaneam cu Mariana pe firele din barba ei, pe bobocii florilor din gradina, pe rosiile cele mari ce le luam direct de pe curpen, pe ouala din cuibar si pe cea mult chinuita pisica...
Nu cred ca isi pot imagina macar ai nostrii copii cat de frumoasa ne-a fost copilaria.
"- Mamaie, nu mai lua cele oua de sub closca c-or sa iasa pui cand o face plopu ista gutui."
"- Mai mamaita draga, lasa cei boboci sa traiasca, sa ne bucure cu frumusetea minunii Bunului."
"- Hai fuguta la spalat sa mancati. De-aghia mai rasufla ghiata mata ca ati chelit-o sireaca de cand o tot flocaiti."
"- Dragu mamaii, nu fugi la somn, hai cu mamaita sa multamim Bunului c-am trait inc-o zi, c-am avut de-ale gurii si ca iaca... am ajuns cu bine acusica sa ne hodinim oasele."
Fara sa minimalizez influenta parintilor nostrii, educatia primita de la ei.. pot spune ca mamaia a avut un rol foarte important, dansa fiind cea care ne-a dat raspuns multor intrebari ale copilariei si adolescentei.
Un om printre oameni, a trait mereu cu grija sa nu supere, sa nu deranjeze... sa ajute, sa fie utila, impartindu-si dragostea sa fara granite tuturor.
Mi-e atat de dor de zambetul sau!
7 years
soncee Interesting artikle friend
7 years
7 years
TammyWhite Great post my dear friend
7 years
7 years
ORourkeDesigns Beautiful my dear friend this has brought many good memories to my heart. I recall doing the egg job collecting them so grand mother could give them to the neighbors that had no chickens. Your memories brought back my own... Thank you
7 years
7 years
eugenemeric @ORourkeDesigns Dear Maria. I found out in TV news that I will continue with bad weather. I am sorry.
The article, yes, is a fragment of my memories.
I'm glad to find out that it was good for you.
About my grandmother I could write a lot. He was a wonderful man.
We humans are so ephemeral ... sometimes the tumult of everyday life makes us forget this.
The only sign we leave behind us ... is the memory.
It still remains from us. All our annoyances, our agonise ... disappears. She, the memory remains.
Thinking in the future ... the only happiness I could hope for, is that my remembrance remains to be a good one.
Thank you for your patience and attention to reading my article.
7 years
7 years
ORourkeDesigns Thank you for writing it my friend and yes our bad weather continues here today along 520 cars accidents on our roads @eugenemeric
7 years
7 years
eugenemeric @ORourkeDesigns Of, I'm very sorry! I will pray for you! to be blessed!
7 years
7 years
ORourkeDesigns Thank you for the prayer blessing to you too my friend @eugenemeric
7 years
7 years
luluarte ?
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 ????
7 years
7 years
Deliana Iubirea bunicilor și amintirea lor este de neprețuit.
7 years
7 years
indexer I'm afraid that Google Translate has produced something that does not make a huge amount of sense!
7 years
5 years
Strabunica013 Interesting article
5 years