By soncee
7 years ago

Macedonian wines


The wine is iseparable part of the life of the Macedonians from rimeval times until today. Every y that has made some re- search in the history, culture and in the tradition of the biblical Macedonian people knows this They know that Macedonia is one of the first Eu ropean countries to have viniculture and the Macedonians since the pre- Christian period have had so much respect for the wine that they had their own God of wine! Throughout the history we come across some data which shows that Culture on the Balkan had been widely spread from around 4.000 years ago, As the archaeo- logical researches made on various locations in Macedonia show, the wine had had an important place in the everyday life for the Macedo- nians in the amount that they had gods for the most important elements from the human life-the water, the sky, the earth. the death. There are lots of proofs for this like the stone monuments and the rituals connected to the God of wine Dionis, which since the 5th century BC had been known as Bacchus. Therefore, it will be nothing new to say that the grapes and the wine are among the first things that cross our minds when we think of Macedonia. Macedonia wineshop is one of the rare you can find all for every of the Macedonian wine. The wineshop cooperates with almost every Macedo- cellars starting from the wine giants then includ- ing the small and private wine cellars, whose wines will affectionate the taste of the most fastidious wine admirers. There you will find wines that can not be found in the regular shops,from the best sellers to the most specific Macedonian wines proudly ordered on the shelf one next to other.The wine tasting that is being organized in the wineshop is real opportunity of enjoying in the rare Macedonian wines but also a pos- sibility for hanging out with real hedonists enjoyers of quality Macedonian wine.

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