By eugenemeric
6 years ago

Young drifting - Tanar in deriva

Man is a social being. I do not think there are two people who think and socialize in the same way. They may be similar but not perfect. Each of us is the product of every personal moment. In life there are infinitely many variables that influence our thinking, feeling and implicit action.
The greatest influence on a person's behavior has the example of others. this process of influence begins from the earliest age and continues throughout life.
It is true that at one point there is a solidified basis in how to perceive the daily and thus respond to the challenges of life. It's hard to learn "the old man to pull the yoke."
But it must not be forgotten that the loving and sincere concern of the close ones can move the mountains in place. I'm not referring to telling "x" how much you hold to him / her but to prove it without tagada. And not occasionally but permanently.
Behavioral failures often cause the lack of trust in others and lead to searches in other settings, other people, family members, friends ....
Why the lack of confidence? there would be many causes. The worst is the lack of real affection, of love.
Age of puberty is the most dangerous. During this time, attention is needed, not increased but more than maximum. It is the age when "everything flying flies" is the time when the desire to experience and ... and ... and ... can lead to serious behavioral failures that can mark the life of a young man, sometimes without rebound.
Tips ... it's hard to give the right advice for a case where you do not know that person closely. A bad tip can do more harm than good. Perhaps this is one of the causes that made the visits to the psychologist necessary.
In the case of a young man, the only advice that can never harm is ... give him the undisguised love, the right ... the one that will make him come back on the water line by having solid trust in you.
Good luck!
(Google translate)


Omul este o fiinta sociala. Nu cred ca exista doi oameni care sa gandeasca si sa se expuna social in acelasi fel. Pot fi asemanari dar nu perfecta. Fiecare dintre noi suntem produsul fiecarei clipe personale. In viata exista infinit de multe variabile care ne influenteaza modul de gandire, de simtire si implicit de actiune.
Cea mai mare influenta asupra comportamentului unei persoane o are exemplul celor din jur. acest proces de influentare incepe de la cea mai frageda varsta si continua pe intreg cuprinsul vietii.
E drept ca la un moment dat exista o baza solidificata in modul de percepere a cotidianului si deci si de raspuns la provocarile vietii. E greu sa mai inveti "magarul batran sa traga la jug".
Insa nu trebuie omis faptul ca dragostea si preocuparea sincera a celor apropiati poate muta muntii din loc. Nu ma refer la a-i spune lui"x" cat de mult tii la el/ea ci sa ii dovedesti fara tagada acest lucru. Si nu ocazional ci permanent.
Esuarile comportamentale au de cele mai multe ori ca si cauza lipsa de incredere in cei din jur si duce la cautari in alte medii, in alte persoane, straine de familie, prieteni....
De ce lipsa de incredere? ar fi multe cauze. Cea mai grava e lipsa de afectiune reala, de dragoste.
Varsta pubertatii este cea mai periculoasa. In acest interval de timp este necesara o atentie, nu sporita ci mai mult decat maxima. Este varsta cand "tot ce zboara se mananca", este momentul cand dorinta de a experimenta si... si... si... poate duce la esuari comportamentale f grave care pot marca, uneori fara revenire, viata unui tanar.
Sfaturi.. e greu de dat sfatul potrivit pentru un caz in care nu cunosti indeaproape acea persoana. Un sfat gresit poate dauna mai mult decat sa faca bine. Poate ca asta este una din cauzele care au facut necesara aparitia vizitelor la psiholog.
In cazul unui tanar in deriva, singurul sfat care nu poate dauna niciodata este... oferiti-i dragoste nedisimulata, adevatata.. acel suport care sa o faca sa revina pe linia de plutire prinzand incredere solida in voi.
Mult succes!

Eugen Emeric
6 years
TammyWhite Nice. I will read at home
6 years
6 years
DAIANAGABAR Beautiful post
6 years
6 years
fabio26 beautiful picture and beautiful description my dear! Hello :))
6 years
4 years
Strabunica013 Interesting article
4 years