By NyishaHv
8 years ago

Sleep Deprivation


Cannot sleep, feeling very hot and got a lot on my mind so just up on Twitter and surfing the net, spending time with my cat lol sad I know...looks like I'll be sleeping at 6 again -.- apparently there are lots of natural remedies to aid lack of sleep, for instance, chamomile tea, relaxation/sleep music.

The American Sleep Foundation acknowledges that a lot of people can be restless due to the transition is weather. The humidity can make a lot of people restless, as can symptoms prevalent in the summer time such as hayfever. I have been on sleep medication for about 3 years now.

I would say I definitely need to come off them because I have built up a tolerance for them. After suffering from Ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) after being physically assaulted years ago, my sleep was the first thing to go.

I was up at night, sweating, the trains sounded like bullets (seriously), my heart would palpatate, then race. I could not figure out what was happening to me. As the lack of sleep started to progress, my skin became pale, I had bags under my eyes, and I gradually started to plummet into mild psychosis.

I was extremely delirious and in some instances sacred. You will be surprised what a profound effect sleep deprivation can have on your mental health or well-being. I am someone with no history of mental health problems.

One primary thing I struggle with today is depression and insomnia. The depression is getting much better with every day: I am happier because I am doing the things I love, I endure a lot of familial support and I am just living!????
8 years
ze2000 Apparently being in from of a PC or a phone screen before bedtime makes it difficult to sleep for some people. Why don't you try to put yourself some limits at night? It might help.
8 years
8 years
NyishaHv Thankyou Ze. I really appreciate that xx but once I am up I cannot switch off anyway and whatever I am doing online, I can't switch that off either lol I will try though!
8 years
8 years
NyishaHv I am actually prescribed medication for my insomnia, but I definitely need to practice ways to sleep naturally because there will come a time I will have to do without it (like now) and I'm the near future.
8 years
8 years
bibinvarghese you try yoga the mind will be free and sleep more control the depression too
8 years
8 years
LiaF7 Valeriana root as tea.
8 years
8 years
NyishaHv Thankyou so much guys! Will definitely try some of these?
8 years
8 years
SHOHANA this post and the image with it remind me my situation when i get frustrated
8 years
8 years
Maydelene Me same like this, when im Depressed and over thinking..
8 years
7 years
7 years