Prayer to fulfill your desires!
For divine help, spoken every Sunday The prayer of the monks at Frăsina Monastery!
One of the most powerful prayers whose effect is said to be known shortly after you began to speak is the monks of the Frăsina monastery, also called the Romanian Athos.
For the desired effect, the prayer is read at midnight, and must be spoken until the fulfillment of the desires!
Read with a lit candle next door
"Lord God, Heavenly Father, Divine Creator, Father and Mother, and Son alike, if I and my family, my relatives, my heirs and my ancestors have wronged you, from Creation to today, please, forgive me and forgive me, Lord, please, delete, purify, clean, heal, remove all painful memories, hidden programs, negative energies and vibrations, free me (surname) from all negative programs of the past, turn all these programs and unwanted energies in pure light, in this life, from any dimension to the essence of being ...... (surname).
Please, Lord, replace these negative programs sent to light with programs of unconditional love, health and vitality, prosperity, abundance, love and harmony.
I forgive, love me, bless the past, the present and the future in the name ....... Thank you, Lord, that's the way it will be.
Source :
One of the most powerful prayers whose effect is said to be known shortly after you began to speak is the monks of the Frăsina monastery, also called the Romanian Athos.
For the desired effect, the prayer is read at midnight, and must be spoken until the fulfillment of the desires!
Read with a lit candle next door
"Lord God, Heavenly Father, Divine Creator, Father and Mother, and Son alike, if I and my family, my relatives, my heirs and my ancestors have wronged you, from Creation to today, please, forgive me and forgive me, Lord, please, delete, purify, clean, heal, remove all painful memories, hidden programs, negative energies and vibrations, free me (surname) from all negative programs of the past, turn all these programs and unwanted energies in pure light, in this life, from any dimension to the essence of being ...... (surname).
Please, Lord, replace these negative programs sent to light with programs of unconditional love, health and vitality, prosperity, abundance, love and harmony.
I forgive, love me, bless the past, the present and the future in the name ....... Thank you, Lord, that's the way it will be.
Source :
RalRey › With all due respect to your beliefs, I would like to ask you about your opinion regarding what the Lord Jesus Christ says to his disciples regarding the prayer recorded in the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter 6 verses 7 and 8. ??
Deliana › Asta este singura mănăstire ortodoxă unde noi femeile nu avem voie să intrăm...???
Miki › ???
carmen3521 › ???
carmen3521 › @RalRey te pido por favor que escribas los versetes, y yo te doy mi opinion! y no se trata de ,,creencias,, como dices. es una sola, , creemos en Dios el Padre, El Hijo, El Jesus Cristo y tambien en la Virgen Maria! tambien hacemos la cruz y desimos ,, en el nobre del padre, del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo, Amen! creemos en Ellos, hablando de las creencia. es algo mal en esto? y la religion ya lo sabes que somos Cristian-Ortodoxos todos, la mayoria del pais. una de la mas vieja religion de todos los tiempos! voy a buscar y te voy a mandar en el privado un link, comn lo que pasa en Israel, en el dia de la Pascua, en la iglesia Ortodoxa, una cosa unica en el mundo! la luz bendita viene del cielo mismo y enciende una vela grande que la tiene en la mano un hacerdote, en frente con cientos personas que son testigos. antes del acto, en el lugar entra unos hacerdotes de otros religiones, y un musulman, islamico para hacer un control muy riguroso para no desir alguien que es algun engano. seguro no sabias esto! porque Dios manda este luz bendita en la iglesia ortodoxa y no la manda en la otras?? porque no pasa este milagro y en otros dias del ano?? SEGURO TE PARECE UN CUENTO DE NINOS VERDAD? En cada ano, en dia de la Pascua pasa ese milagro en un unico lugar, donde te e dicho, luego, cada persona coje luz con su vela, y todos los hacerdotes de cada pais del mundo ortodoxo, coje luz con la vela grande y con el avion , trae en su pais, en la mas grande catedral de su pais y luego se reparte en las ciudades y tal. para que la gente que hay en las iglesias y muchos fuera de las iglesias porque son cientos, en la misa de la noche de sureccion..perdon si lo e escrito mal, coja luz bendita! luego nos vamos con las velas encendidas acasa y en la puerta antes de entrar, hacemos en la cerradura de la puerta arriba, una cruz con la vela para bendeser la casa.. yo te respecto por saber mucho de la Biblia, pero de las religiones Christianas , que han cresido en los ultimos 100 anos como las champinios despues de llover, no creo nada. han cambiado mucho tambien y las palabras de la biblia. yo tengo una biblia vieja y no es igual que la biblia que me regalo mi primo de America . poco pero si hace diferencia.
RalRey › I am Christian, my friend Carmen, committed, married to the Word of God contained in the Bible, which is one with God and is the one that gives the foundation to my faith. She is the one who tells me what to do and what not to do, what I should believe and what I should not believe. It tells me that if I obey the Will of God, I repent, I believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ without being ashamed, I accept the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, I confess it as my Lord and I believe that God, YHVH, or Jehovah, his Father raised him from the dead, I am a Christian and I am saved. It is the Word of God contained in the Bible that grounds my faith. And I believe that everything that religions do and undo outside of that foundation is out of order and is false. I am not religious, and I do not believe in religions, whatever they may be, ancient or modern, even if they are called Christian religions if they are not based on the Word of God, on Biblical Truth. It's that simple for me.
El texto que le señalé a nuestra a @Strabunica013 es el siguiente: "And in your prayer do not make use of the same words again and again, as the Gentiles do: for they have the idea that God will give attention to them because of the number of their words. So be not like them..."
Nota: He escrito en Inglés porque quiero que esto sea leído por la comunidad. ??
El texto que le señalé a nuestra a @Strabunica013 es el siguiente: "And in your prayer do not make use of the same words again and again, as the Gentiles do: for they have the idea that God will give attention to them because of the number of their words. So be not like them..."
Nota: He escrito en Inglés porque quiero que esto sea leído por la comunidad. ??
DAIANAGABAR › Frumos articol
Strabunica013 › Sorry ,
El texto que mostramos en @ Strabunica013 es:
For divine help, spoken every Sunday The prayer of the monks at Frăsina Monastery!
One of the most powerful prayers whose effect is said to be known shortly after you began to speak is the monks of the Frăsina monastery, also called the Romanian Athos.
For the desired effect, the prayer is read at midnight, and must be spoken until the fulfillment of the desires!
Read with a lit candle next door
"Lord God, Heavenly Father, Divine Creator, Father and Mother, and Son alike, if I and my family, my relatives, my heirs and my ancestors have wronged you, from Creation to today, please, forgive me and forgive me, Lord, please, delete, purify, clean, heal, remove all painful memories, hidden programs, negative energies and vibrations, free me (surname) from all negative programs of the past, turn all these programs and unwanted energies in pure light, in this life, from any dimension to the essence of being ...... (surname).
Please, Lord, replace these negative programs sent to light with programs of unconditional love, health and vitality, prosperity, abundance, love and harmony.
I forgive, love me, bless the past, the present and the future in the name ....... Thank you, Lord, that's the way it will be.
¿Dónde está ... algo subrayado por mí @ Strabunica013?
"El texto que señalé en @ Strabunica013 es el siguiente:" Y en tu oración, no uses las mismas palabras una y otra vez, como hacen los gentiles: porque tienen la idea de que Dios les prestará atención del número de sus palabras. Así que no seas como ellos ... "
Nota: he escrito en inglés porque quiero que la comunidad lo lea. ??
El texto que mostramos en @ Strabunica013 es:
For divine help, spoken every Sunday The prayer of the monks at Frăsina Monastery!
One of the most powerful prayers whose effect is said to be known shortly after you began to speak is the monks of the Frăsina monastery, also called the Romanian Athos.
For the desired effect, the prayer is read at midnight, and must be spoken until the fulfillment of the desires!
Read with a lit candle next door
"Lord God, Heavenly Father, Divine Creator, Father and Mother, and Son alike, if I and my family, my relatives, my heirs and my ancestors have wronged you, from Creation to today, please, forgive me and forgive me, Lord, please, delete, purify, clean, heal, remove all painful memories, hidden programs, negative energies and vibrations, free me (surname) from all negative programs of the past, turn all these programs and unwanted energies in pure light, in this life, from any dimension to the essence of being ...... (surname).
Please, Lord, replace these negative programs sent to light with programs of unconditional love, health and vitality, prosperity, abundance, love and harmony.
I forgive, love me, bless the past, the present and the future in the name ....... Thank you, Lord, that's the way it will be.
¿Dónde está ... algo subrayado por mí @ Strabunica013?
"El texto que señalé en @ Strabunica013 es el siguiente:" Y en tu oración, no uses las mismas palabras una y otra vez, como hacen los gentiles: porque tienen la idea de que Dios les prestará atención del número de sus palabras. Así que no seas como ellos ... "
Nota: he escrito en inglés porque quiero que la comunidad lo lea. ??
Strabunica013 › Por favor que bien, no hay locura ....
La oración es para el cumplimiento de los deseos, no para las peleas ...
Además, la religión ortodoxa se traduce como:
El proyecto cree y descansa antes que el resto ... La fe se encuentra en el alma, y no afuera ... RESPETE a todas las culturas. Todos tienen el derecho de buscar a DIOS donde él quiera, ¡pero él es GASESTE en nuestros corazones!
La VERDAD y solo la VERDAD te liberarán.
La oración es para el cumplimiento de los deseos, no para las peleas ...
Además, la religión ortodoxa se traduce como:
El proyecto cree y descansa antes que el resto ... La fe se encuentra en el alma, y no afuera ... RESPETE a todas las culturas. Todos tienen el derecho de buscar a DIOS donde él quiera, ¡pero él es GASESTE en nuestros corazones!
La VERDAD y solo la VERDAD te liberarán.
Strabunica013 › Los amo a todos, sin importar religión o adoración. Todos somos NIÑOS de la misma TATA.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Strabunica013 › @RalRey @Deliana @Miki @carmen3521 @DAIANAGABAR
Thank you for your comments and I want to remind you: We are all brothers in the LORD, and we came to Earth to learn and teach others the LOVE. I love you !
Thank you for your comments and I want to remind you: We are all brothers in the LORD, and we came to Earth to learn and teach others the LOVE. I love you !
carmen3521 › @RalRey estoy completamente pa fuera! no entiendo , no comprendo tu coment "Y en su oración, no haga uso de las mismas palabras una y otra vez, como hacen los gentiles: porque tienen la idea de que Dios les prestará atención debido a el número de sus palabras. Así que no seas como ellos ... "?? perdona pero no comprendo porque has dicho esto, hasme entender. no e leido el articulo pero sea como sea, mi opinion es que cada uno resa como quere, con pocas o mas palabras. en mi opinion importante es rezar, con lo que te viene del corazon , o con lo que lees de algun libro si te parece bueno para ti y para tu alma. es lo mismo. claro y repito! claro que soy de acuerdo con tigo , con tu coment sobre el casamiento y tal, es algo normal , no es nada fuera del normal, los casados de aqui somos iguales que tu! lo que no comprendo es tu comentario como que te parece que nosotros somos distinctos? eso no entiendo. nooo, somos igual con lo que escribistes tu! sera algo distincto, no se,digo que nosotros en casa tenemos Biblia, la palabra de Dios. Viejo y el nuevo testamiento. no tenemos libros de Evangelias. Las Evangelias se encuentran solo en las iglesias donde las curas lee en las misas. e dicho ,,Evangelias,, porque no hay solo una. tu sabes mejor que yo de lo que hablo. de las religiones no se necesita detailar porque sabes mi opinion sobre esto, pa mi, la creencia es mas poderosa y esta sobre todas las religiones viejas o nuevas. el detalle que e dicho de la ortodoxia q es una de la mas vieja, solo que queria que lo sepas, y de la luz sagrada queria que lo sepas, porque hay millones de personas que no lo saben. o lo saben pero se mienten solos, no queren creer por egoismo de que este milagro existe. y el colmo es que pasa cada ano, un dia antes de la pascua de los ortodoxos. no de la pascua de los catolicos, ni de los evangelicos ni de los ejovistas ni de ningunos! hay millones de testigos a este milagro, si has leido el link, o has visto en youtube, has visto tu mismo que no lo digo por desir, lo digo porq me han contado amigos que fueron presentes, y ..bueno, el mismo wikipedia lo cuenta. respeto todas las religiones, como tu dices, pero este milagro de la luz sagrada, no me deja cambiar de religion, me recuerda cada ano que tengo que ser orgullosa por ser cristiana ortodoxa porque Dios manda su luz bendita y sagrada desdel cielo, solo para nosotros, para los ortodoxos! no tiene que ofenderse ---nadie--- por esta realidad!!! nos guste o no, es la pura verdad!
RalRey › @Strabunica013 Excuse me please, but I must tell you that it is not true in the light of the Bible, of the Word of God, of YHVH GOD, the God of Abraham, of Moses, of Jacob and of Isaac, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ , that all men, all creatures, all human beings, are His children and therefore brothers. That is not as you express it:
"The true light, which gives light to every man, was then coming into the world.
He was in the world, the world which came into being through him, but the world had no knowledge of him.
He was in the world, the world which came into being through him, but the world had no knowledge of him.
He came to the things which were his and his people did not take him to their hearts.
To all those who did so take him, however, he gave the right of becoming children of God--that is, to those who had faith in his name:
Whose birth was from God and not from blood, or from an impulse of the flesh and man's desire" John 1: 11-13
"The true light, which gives light to every man, was then coming into the world.
He was in the world, the world which came into being through him, but the world had no knowledge of him.
He was in the world, the world which came into being through him, but the world had no knowledge of him.
He came to the things which were his and his people did not take him to their hearts.
To all those who did so take him, however, he gave the right of becoming children of God--that is, to those who had faith in his name:
Whose birth was from God and not from blood, or from an impulse of the flesh and man's desire" John 1: 11-13