By MegyBella
7 years ago

Ordinary feather or extraordinary sign

Did you ever wonder what this might mean when you find a feather? They said this is one of the ways spiritual guides send us the signs.
Feathers can be signs of angels. They send us messages, lead us, and support us. This can be a confirmation that your thoughts are correct or it is their way of greeting. Finding a feather is often a magical moment. Feathers representing flight and freedom, hovering and looking from multiple perspectives, moving beyond boundaries and limitations.
Someone said: "Feathers Are Reminders That Angels Are Always Near" and I believe this might be true?
Thank you for reading.
7 years
Ravidxb i read
7 years
7 years
AnceAne I love it :)
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Thanks to both of you??
7 years
7 years
TammyWhite What a beauty
7 years
7 years
soncee Beautiful artikle
7 years
7 years
Bashields ?
7 years
7 years
mila7272 Beautiful
7 years
7 years
cathydkreations Thanks for this info I did not know this?
7 years
7 years
olavn54 Nice
7 years
7 years
MegyBella @cathydkreations I have heard of it a long time ago. I can't say I believed in it. I still can't say that for sure, but I have a good reason to believe it might be true?
7 years
7 years
7 years