By sanjad
7 years ago



Erinaceidae hedgehogs are a mammal family. The most famous family members living in Europe are Erinaceus europaeus and Erinaceus concolor. The family includes a total of 25 species, divided into two subfamilies, real hedgehogs and rats, or, as they are often called gymnures, which have no spines. The place of the hedgehog in the systematics is still controversial. It is being considered whether they should still be classified in the bugs, or assigned their own order, which would be called Erinaceomorpha on the basis of belonging to a group of higher mammals. Recent research makes the most likely first variant so far. The hedgehogs are primarily populated by the soil. Some species can climb, and sometimes they stay on shrubs, but food is mostly sought on the ground. Some species, for the sake of faster progress, blame real "paths" in a dense suburb. Some species swim very well. Mostly they dig their own sails used to rest. Blocs generally have two entrances, hidden in dense vegetation, and ar
The breadth of the hedgehogs is limited to the old world, living in Europe, Africa and parts of Asia. There are none in America or in Australia.
e often lined with dry plants.The hedgehogs live in very different habitats. Desirable dry areas, can be found in rare forests, in grassland and meadows, but also in cultivated areas, as well as on green areas in cities. Some generations may even express the inhabitants of the steppe and the desert.
The foods of this group of animals are primarily invertebrates (insects and their larvae, as well as rattlesnakes), but they also eat small vertebrates as well as edema. To a lesser extent, they also eat plant material like carrots and fruits.
A woman wears a young woman from 35 to 58 days. The world most often brings from 3 to 4 cubs for larger species and from 5 to 6 for smaller species. As for many species, it is not unusual for adult males to kill newborns. They are born blind and spines do not have birth at birth, but they grow in the coming days.
Only natural wolves and foxes can be threatened by natural enemies, and they only succeed in overtaking them on the back. The greatest threat is represented by man. Similarly, human diseases, such as cancer, liver disease or cardiovascular disease, also occur in the hedgehog.
7 years
Nevena83 jez
7 years
7 years
sanjad @Nevena83 o da ti gajis kornjace a ja jezeve??
7 years
7 years
Ryanskie Nice ?
7 years
7 years
Jelenajeca ???
7 years
7 years
soncee Jez ? lepo
7 years
7 years
svetle76 lepo
7 years
7 years
Deliana I like the hedgehogs!!! ?
7 years
7 years
Nevena83 @sanjad da ih udruzimo??
7 years
7 years
sanjad Moze ? Koji li ce mutant onda nastati kad ih spojimo??
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Nice article!
7 years
7 years
sanjad @carmen3521 Thank you
7 years
7 years
sanjad @soncee Hvala
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7 years
sanjad @svetle76 Hvala
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
Nevena83 @sanjad kornjaca koja izbacuje bodlje??
7 years
7 years
dorageorg So great!?
7 years
7 years
maca1 Lep jež?
7 years
7 years
sanjad @Nevena83 Ha ha ili jez sa oklopom??moramo da probamo?
7 years
7 years
Nevena83 @sanjad hahahahah
7 years
7 years
maca1 Hahaa još to nisam probala ???
7 years
7 years
sanjad @maca1 videces kad ih ja i @Nevena83 uparimo??
7 years
7 years
Nevena83 @sanjad hahahahah,ma ima da bude ludilo???
7 years
7 years
7 years
7 years
maca1 ??????
7 years
7 years
soncee Hehee jež i kornjača e to da vidim ???
7 years
7 years
frenchqueen A hedgehog!
7 years
7 years
bellak24 nice
7 years
7 years
senior1819 Not in Australia? My most favourite continent after Europe. Oh ... :(
7 years