By TammyWhite
7 years ago

Hyacinth of the woods flowers

The hyacinth of the woods or Hyacinthoides-non scripta (L.) Chouard ex Rothm. It is a species of the lily family, with a unilateral spiciform inflorescence. In it, the flowers are very characteristic, with a beautiful bluish tone, hanging, flared and with the ends turned outwards. These flowers sprout in short canes in the armpits of bluish bracts.

The stem is smooth, measures up to 50 cm and curves in its upper part when it reaches the inflorescence. The leaves are long (6-15 mm) straight and shorter than the stem.

As a general rule in liliaceae it is a perennial and bulbous plant. Although its name does not grow only in the forests, but in all kinds of cool places: meadows, dune areas, etc. It is typical of the SO of Europe and British islands, and in the Iberian Peninsula it is more common in the north.

In Asturias it is frequent at all levels. Flowers from April to June.
The photographies are taken in the council of Gozón, during last April.

#tammywhite #blueflowersday
7 years
Melsdename Beautiful
7 years
7 years
Violeta Great article
7 years
7 years
Toufikur nice
7 years
7 years
miyaandrews Georgeus beauty
7 years
7 years
leewangjae Great
7 years
7 years
bibinvarghese beautiful
7 years
7 years
OlitaM I love wild flowers. Great article and a very beautiful pictures! By the way I wonder because I can click on the like button on the articles but not on the pictures....
7 years
7 years
dorageorg Nice article
7 years
7 years
fortune Useful info
7 years
7 years
florica1971 Superb
7 years
7 years
soncee Beautiful
7 years
7 years
aditzu Super article ?
7 years
7 years
fabio26 beautiful and very fragrant flower :)
7 years
7 years
Joanac Beautiful
7 years