By eugenemeric
6 years ago

What is love? - Ce-i iubirea?

What is love?

- What is love? ...
                                              ask me, Alexandra, my daughter.
- Well ... let me tell you ... something like that ...
as two steps on the same path ...
it's a 2 in one,
it's something
that he and she,
is happiness,
the sense of living
love is the purpose of the verb
to be.

What is love? Heavy-question!
Hard to say!
You have to feel it,
it's something that's high,
lovers are saints ...
Love is the altar,
is the prayer,
it's the thunder, it's the jar,
what sacrifices him and her.

- What is love? ...
It's something…
you will see, my little girl ...

What is love?
I could write in one.
 I do not know how to stop.
She is just one,
one can know anyone one day.

Love is sweet lie,
in the king's seat.
Love is bad and good,
But, alas!
In the slave he transforms you
on face.
It hurts you, it hurts you, you're hot,
with their snake tongue
licks you ...
He is a demon,
extinguishes you, makes you livid,
is hiding in your heart
And there, forever,
she will be.

Just her,
poor madman!
only poor menestrel,
singing them in the line.

What is love, my dear?
Love is ....
       you will see,
                    my little girl…


Ce-i iubirea?

- Ce-i iubirea?...
mă-ntreba, Alexandra, fata mea.
- Păi… să-ti spun… e-asa ceva…
ca doi pasi pe-acelasi drum…
e un 2 într-unul singur,
e ceva
c-un el si-o ea,
este însăsi fericirea,
sensului de a trăi
iubirea este menirea verbului
a fi.

Ce-i iubirea? Grea-ntrebare!
Greu de zis!
Trebuie s-o simti,
e ceva ce te înaltă,
iubitii sunt niste sfinti…
Iubirea este altarul,
este rugul,
e fiorul, este jarul,
ce jertfeste un el si-o ea.

- Ce-i iubirea?...
ai să vezi, fetita mea…

Ce-i iubirea?
As putea scrie într-una.
Nu stiu de m-as putea opri.
Ea este doar una,
o poate cunoaste oricine-ntr-o zi.

Iubirea e dulcea minciună,
ce-n scaun de rege te-naltă.
Iubirea e rea si e bună,
Dar, vai!
În sclav te transformă
pe fată.
Te roade, te doare, te frige,
cu limba-i de sarpe
te linge…
E demon ce muscă perfid,
te stinge, te face livid,
se-ascunde în inima ta
Si-acolo, pe veci,
va fi ea.

Doar ea,
sărmana nebună!
doar biet menestrel,
cântându-i în strună.

Iubirea ce e, draga mea?
Iubirea e….
ai să vezi,
fetita mea…

Eugen Emeric

Versuri dedicate fetitei mele Livia Alexandra

6 years
dorageorg Lovely!!!
6 years
6 years
Deliana Iubirea, un izvor nesecat de inspirație...? Frumoasă poezie! ?
6 years
6 years
eugenemeric @Deliana @dorageorg Multumesc! :)
6 years
6 years
soncee Very nice artikle dear
6 years
6 years
Lucia5 Eu nu mai am cuvinte,!! Superb!!
6 years
6 years
eugenemeric @Lucia5 @soncee Multumesc frumos! :)
6 years
6 years
fabio26 extraordinary also this, love, a demanding word, few now know what this word means
6 years
6 years
eugenemeric @fabio26 Thans! :)
6 years
6 years
RasmaSandra That is a wonderful poem. Loved this.
6 years
6 years
Shavkat Nice poem c",)
6 years
4 years
mili2020 Nice poem
4 years