Tulip Golden Apeldoorn
Tulip Golden Apeldoorn is a mid spring blooming Darwin Hybrid tulip bulb that has a primrose yellow exterior and a golden yellow inside along with a black heart and an occasional red flush.Tulip Golden Apeldoorn force well,is very reliable,has long lasting flowers and is considered a long term perennial.Like all tulipa,tulip bulbs are from the Liliaceaae family.This fall planted tulip bulb requires full sun and average soil.Tulip Golden Apeldoorn blooms 18''-20'' tall and is good for winter hardiness zones 3-9.Tulips are incredibly diverse,and Tulip Golden Apeldoorn is especially great for mass plantings.
Tulips Golden Apeldoorn represents perfect love and eternal happiness !
Plant Spacing : 15 cm
Flower colour : yellow
Height : 60 cm