Tuetego may not be the monster social media site the others are, but they are a refreshing break from what you are used to. I really love the fact that I am not getting hit on all day. This is something that happens all the time on ig and fb. In a time where it seems like social media is more like a bar or gym in the late eighties, It is nice to be valued for what those tiny little rocks in my head come up with when they run into each other instead of my bra size. And on top of it all YOU GET PAID! To do what you would normally do in everyday life. I don't understand how they have not taken over. Do people not like money? I know i personally LOVE money, so for me it doesn't matter if i only make five cents a day. Its five more than what i had to start so I am happy
Lorso › Great work! Maybe Tuetego grow with this awesome Team!
bibinvarghese › instead of bra size? lol what it means?
Violeta › Great article
Lucia5 › Super
iiiPhotography › Great
Deliana › Super article! ?
MegyBella › ?
soncee › Good
LAFFINGKNOME › Good comments in your article and have you been paid yet?
Deborabarca › good
kishajobs › no I am right under thirty cents, but I am going to devote myself to it and nothing else for the next 24 hours and we will see how much is actually possibe
indexer › Good luck!