Sweet '' Peaches ''
Dough products
650-700 g of flour
2 eggs 1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup yoghurt
80 ml of olive oil 1 p. Ammonia soda
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate 1 liter of liquid vanilla
Filler products:
100 mg cow butter (unsalted) 3-4 tbsp 1h. Ground walnuts 1 tsp. Liquid vanilla 1h. Prefilled 4 tablespoons sugar Whole walnut kernels
For decoration
Wilton's red and yellow liquid dye paints, each dissolved in 120 ml of water. Crystalline sugar for ovaling the sweet green leaves of choice - I have used the money tree.
Method of preparation
* Mix the eggs with sugar until it gets a fluffy cream.
Add the two types of soda to the yoghurt and stir until a double increase in the volume. Add it to the broken eggs.
* Add the oil, vanilla and flour consistently.
* Mix a soft dough that does not have to stick.
* Making small balls of walnut size (18 g) and stacking off each other in the pan as they increase their volume during baking.
* Work quickly (do not dry the dough) and make spheres smooth. These are measures against cracking of the surface during baking.
* Bake at 375F (190C) until gentle pouring.
* Get 60 sweets, which are still warm with a cutter.
* Next is the preparation of the filler.
* Thoroughly melt the oil on a low heat and add all the ingredients.
* Sweets are filled with the filling thus obtained, put on a whole nut nut and stick together.
* Then they are colored, half the peach drowns in the red paint and the other half in the yellow paint.
* Immediately peel in the crystal sugar and arrange in the fruit.
* Sweet must stay at least one day before consumption. 30 peaches are obtained.
Beautiful and delicious :)))