Successfully conducted experiment with the Theragram on a vine in Kavadarčevo In the past period, in cooperation with the APA i
Successfully conducted experiment with the Theragram on a vine in Kavadarčevo
In the past period, in cooperation with the APA in Kavadarachko, an attempt was made with Terragamin, which was applied on an existing visa with a vine from the Villa Victoria. According to the owner's statements, the treated passwords have better growth and development of bunches, rebound leaf mass and larger and heavier clusters, compared to untreated. In the treated grapes, soil moisture has long been retained, especially during the vegetation period, when the water needs water, which proves that the Theragram absorbs the water in it and smoothly and gradually releases it. There is also a difference in the size of the grain, the thickness of the bunch and its weight, compared to the untreated, with the branches being smaller grains and the rarity of the grapes, which can be seen in the pictures.
In the past period, in cooperation with the APA in Kavadarachko, an attempt was made with Terragamin, which was applied on an existing visa with a vine from the Villa Victoria. According to the owner's statements, the treated passwords have better growth and development of bunches, rebound leaf mass and larger and heavier clusters, compared to untreated. In the treated grapes, soil moisture has long been retained, especially during the vegetation period, when the water needs water, which proves that the Theragram absorbs the water in it and smoothly and gradually releases it. There is also a difference in the size of the grain, the thickness of the bunch and its weight, compared to the untreated, with the branches being smaller grains and the rarity of the grapes, which can be seen in the pictures.
Melsdename › I love them nom nom
carmen3521 › V nice article
maca1 › Beautiful artikle
Jelenajeca › good article?
Ravidxb › Thanks for sharing with us
dorageorg › So great!?
DAIANAGABAR › Beautiful article
Frenki › Nice :)
soncee › Dobar izbor
Deliana › Interesting article! ???
viktorija64 › good article?
kavinitu › Beautiful article
fortune › "According to the owner's statements, the treated passwords have better growth"??? Passwords?
sanjad › Njami,njami obozavam grozdje?
Justin › Good very good
svetle76 › obozavam grozdje
Nevena83 › njamiii