By Jelenajeca
6 years ago



NAR or pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit used as a medicine in antiquity, and due to the large number of seeds, it was considered a fertility symbol that brings happiness to the house.

It originates from a region that stretches from Iran to northern India, from where the ancient Greeks transferred it to the Mediterranean. From there he arrived with the Moors in Spain, and Granada was named after him. Ancient Egyptians were buried with these fruit trees because they believed it symbolized hope for a new life. Nar was a worshiper of the fruit of the Prophet Muhammad, and religious images often portray Virgin Mary or little Jesus as they hold a nose in their hand.
Nar resembles a red orange or an apple full of apricots. It is very important part of Lebanese, Iranian, Turkish, Greek and Indian cuisine, and due to its beneficial effect on health, it is often used in folk medicine as well as in cosmetics.
Fruitful parts of the fruit that mature in late autumn or early winter are juice and seeds. The fruit is rich in all vitamins, especially C, A, E and B5, as well as minerals potassium and iron. A hundred milliliters of Nara contains as much as 16 percent of the required daily amount of vitamin C for adults. The red color of the fruit gets from anthocyanides and tannins. It also has two types of polyphenolic compounds, which account for as much as 92 percent of the antioxidant activity. It contains about 15 grams of sugar, which makes this characteristic pleasant and slightly acidic taste
It has been proven to have an increased antioxidant effect, even from red wine and green tea. It also acts as anti-atherosclerosis, which prevents atherosclerosis. Israeli scientists have found that taking a glass of juice from day to day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. By consuming this juice for a year, blood pressure decreases by about 21 percent and significantly increases blood flow to the heart.
Seed oil and fermented juice naturally prevent the formation and development of tumor cells, especially in breast and prostate cancer. But in order to get rid of malignant cells, first of all in prostate cancer, men should drink a quarter of a liter of juice every few months, a couple of months, according to research.
NAR and the products of this fruit also contain phytoestrogens, that is, plant hormones that prevent different diseases. Among them, hormone-dependent cancers, such as, for example, ovarian cancer, are at a special place. In women in menopause, positive effects were observed in the onset of depression and osteoporosis. Viennese Professor Hademar Bankhofer points out that it is enough to take a single dose a day to alleviate the problems in climax because it contains substances very similar to estrogens, which positively affects the level of hormones
Traditional medicine advocates also say that regular consumption of fruits provides solid fingernails, beautiful and healthy skin and hair, as well as peace of mind. British scientists have proven that daily consumption of natives slows down the oxidation of DNA into the cells, which slows down the aging process. An extract of whole fruit should be taken, which contains the core, and the bark and seed, in the form of capsules, experts recommend, and the improvement of the general condition can be expected already after a month.
6 years
DAIANAGABAR Very good article
6 years
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Anna Nice
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Justin Good very good
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6 years
RalRey That's very good, there are pomegranates here, apart from its benefits that is the important thing of the fruit its aesthetic aspects make it deserving of admiration.
6 years
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Explorer2017 Those who raise that plant or fruit have the happiness of being.
6 years
6 years
kavinitu Very good article
6 years
6 years
Deliana Interesting article about this delicious fruit! ???
6 years
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Violeta Very nice article
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Jelenajeca @Anna thank you so much?
6 years
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Jelenajeca @Justin thanks
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Jelenajeca @Explorer2017 thats wright
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Anna You're welcome. I love reading informative article esp we dont have that kind of fruit here and if there is i havent seen it myself. Hehe@Jelenajeca
6 years
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sanjad Sto ti lep ovaj Nar?
6 years
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Jelenajeca @Anna thank you
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Jelenajeca @sanjad uvek ?
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sanjad @Jelenajeca mogla bi da mi das malo?
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Jelenajeca @sanjad moze dodji ??
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sanjad @Jelenajeca Hocu ?
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svetle76 kalinkaaaaaa sakammm
6 years
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Jelenajeca ??
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6 years