Mak (opium shell) is any of the more noticeable flowers, typically one per tree, belongs to the poppy family. They encompass a number of variegated species of wild flowers from either grown individually or in larger groups; Many species also grow in gardens. Those growing in the gardens include large plants used in mixed grasslands and small plants grown in rocky or mountainous gardens.
The colors of poppy flowers include: white, pink, orange, red and blue; some have dark marks in the middle.The center of the flower has curved strawberries surrounded by a round or cup-shaped set of four to six petals.Pollen oriental poppy, lat. Papaver Orientale, is a dark blue color. Pollen of Polish poppy (lat. Papaver rhoeas) is from dark blue to gray. Bees use Mac as a pollen source.Mak has been used for a long time as a symbol of sleep and death: sleep because of opium extracted from it, and death due to their bloody red color. In Greek-Roman myths, poppy is used as a gift to the dead. Mak was used as an emblem on tombstones to signify eternal sleep.The white poppy seed belongs to the Indian species. It is added to the dish for the density, texture and aroma in recipes.Opium poppy seed (lat. Papaver somniferum) is widely consumed in many parts of central and eastern Europe. Frozen, ground mature seeds are eaten with pasta, or cooked with milk and used as a fill or as a dressing for different types of sweet pasta. Milling of ripe seeds is carried out either industrial or at home, where it is usually done by a hand mill.
Poppy seeds are widely used in the Andrés, Bengal, Oriental, German, Ukrainian, Malabar, Romanian, Hungarian and Austrian cuisines.
The colors of poppy flowers include: white, pink, orange, red and blue; some have dark marks in the middle.The center of the flower has curved strawberries surrounded by a round or cup-shaped set of four to six petals.Pollen oriental poppy, lat. Papaver Orientale, is a dark blue color. Pollen of Polish poppy (lat. Papaver rhoeas) is from dark blue to gray. Bees use Mac as a pollen source.Mak has been used for a long time as a symbol of sleep and death: sleep because of opium extracted from it, and death due to their bloody red color. In Greek-Roman myths, poppy is used as a gift to the dead. Mak was used as an emblem on tombstones to signify eternal sleep.The white poppy seed belongs to the Indian species. It is added to the dish for the density, texture and aroma in recipes.Opium poppy seed (lat. Papaver somniferum) is widely consumed in many parts of central and eastern Europe. Frozen, ground mature seeds are eaten with pasta, or cooked with milk and used as a fill or as a dressing for different types of sweet pasta. Milling of ripe seeds is carried out either industrial or at home, where it is usually done by a hand mill.
Poppy seeds are widely used in the Andrés, Bengal, Oriental, German, Ukrainian, Malabar, Romanian, Hungarian and Austrian cuisines.
fortune › I love poppy seeds and I like the blossoms of poppy.
Melsdename › Very interesting article
vladimira › Strudle s makom ?
soncee › Sviđa mi se dobar izbor draga
svetle76 › bravo za tebe ke se sladis
soncee › O pa to je super idemo večeras kod tebe na štrudlu ??
soncee › Slikaj štrudlu eto šta češ sutra da objaviš
soncee › Ispasče baš lepa videčeš samo pazi da ne zagori ?
carmen3521 › Good content!
sanjad › Lep cvet ?
Nevena83 › @vladimira stvarnoooo,e pa dobro nam dosla,u ovu nasu veselu druzinu,i ja sam od pre 3 dana,ali uklopih se brzo?? vici nas ako ti zatrebamo tu smo mi ???
Nevena83 › @vladimira e ako si vesela ma ima da se uklopis ko budali samar kad udaris hahhaha,mala sala???
maca1 › Ja sam tu jesi li ispekla štrudlu??
maca1 › Ajde mi čekamo ??
soncee › Osetila sam lep miris štrudle yummy ? ?
soncee › Ok ali jednu sliku ostavi za sutra ??
Explorer2017 › Interesting post... ?
Violeta › Very nice article
Shavkat › Nice article