By carmen3521
6 years ago

How to support us in tuetego in my opinion.

0,06.the last ..pff...
Dear friends,, if we all get into everyone's profile, at least those who comment on us or those we know for sure visit our profile once every 24 hours and give us a "like + comment" would be perfect for everyone. or even if you can not today, do it tomorrow, that is, yes, like + comment, to all your friends' publications. that's what I usually do. these days were festive but I was sick. but yesterday I stayed until 4am and I made my duty to everyone. if I missed someone to tell me. There are people who, even if you come into their profile and give them 10, 20 like + coment, they do not see and maybe I only get back like 2like in one day, which means NOTHING. then they complain that they received little or nothing. it's not like that. or we are together or not at all. some say they only comment if they like posting. wrong. to return to Facebook with such thinking or not to expect me to comment on his posts if he does not. we are people we post. or free pictures on veb. or amenstedate. I never complained to anyone. each post what he wants. our duty is to support us like + comment on posts to be ok. for who does not know, and the comments given are paid. something else, maybe it's time to talk, negotiate in private, say, let's do a skate of 30 like + coment ??
we do so if necessary. I'm referring to people who do not leave comments on posts or 20 of your posts, just comment 2. My opinion is that everyone we consider friends to put 30 posts a day or more. even if I repeat them, you chose me if our pictures are. I would not like to see 10 times the same puppy or puppy on the veb who see it on every socializing platform. , a big problem is that we can not see 100 or 150 posts of mine or yours. if we could .., I think it would be much better for everyone. you know well why, I do not have to give details. please on this way administrators @tuetego solve this big problem.
at least fit honest and if you see someone will comment and like on your 5 posts, turn that up. if you make me like most of you like + comment on all posts, and not only me, it would be @soncee, @violeta .. and others, it would be a great thing for all of us. call for who's coming to me on profile and like + com on posts, I want you to be sure they come back to you! if you see that until x hour I did not come into your profile, do not think I will not do it today. with people who are waiting for you to come in and then join them. if there is anything else to add to it.
6 years
soncee Good Artikle
6 years
6 years
nela13 thank you for this explanation
6 years
6 years
AnceAne I share the same opinion @carmen I also put away these festive days but in general we should focus on this: return what is given to you, give and will be returned to you properly, respect other users and their work and effort in order to be respected as well. Beautiful article
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 thank you @AnceAne,!!! happy 2018 dear!
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 thank you dear @soncee!♥
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 thanks dear @nela13
6 years
6 years
TammyWhite Did you read the news carmen? About earnings
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 yaaa.. @TammyWhite, veo muchos q se quejan sobre el pago pero si lo miras bien quere dinerito sin hacer casi nada. dan 5 likes todo el dia, y pone 5 post sin cansarse como por ejemplo q tal...como van... hace frio.. y nada mas. otra cosa q tambien hay personas ipocritas..perdona por la palabra, cual dias y dias le das a todas sus publi like+com y no te regresa nada. a esas personas ahora yo les pago igual, ya! y como ves..poco post, poco dinero... hay q poner muchas mas publis y apoyarnos todos q si no ..a la mierd... ya sabes. si no es asi digamelo tu.
6 years
6 years
neha great
6 years
6 years
TammyWhite Yo me centro en comentar cuando puedo y en dar likes a las publicaciones. Realmente creo que es suficiente viendo que vamos sacando prácticamente lo mismo.
Ni me molesto a ver quien dijo o quien dio, borro las notificaciones a cada 20 ? me molesta que se marquen.
Decía lo del post por eso de comentar con 'nice' 'good' que dicen q eso no va a sumar nada
6 years
6 years
florica1971 Superb
6 years
6 years
6 years
6 years
carmen3521 a-ti tradus.. a-ti citit ce am scris @DAIANAGABAR @florica1971??
6 years
6 years
Hellenor Gonna try :)
6 years
6 years
Deliana Am citit, Carmencita. Eu însă mă rezum la cel mult 10 postări pe zi...Pupici! ???
6 years
6 years
AMomWifeLife Hello, I am new to this site. Thanks for the helpful hints.
6 years
6 years
HazySue I have to agree. we need to respect each other and become involved. Read, comment.
6 years