By Michellekidwell
7 years ago

I Write Because

I write because
There's something magical
About a story waiting to be told
A blank piece of paper can
Open up so many possibilities.

I write because
God gave me a gift to
Create something with a pen and paper,
Or laptop and keyboard.

I write because dreams
Can be lived through the written word
And suddenly the impossible becomes
Very much possible.

I write because
A whole other generation
Will need something to read.

I write because
I dream and live
As much through the written word
As I do through my life.

I write because
I have something to say.

Copyright Michelle R Kidwell

5:04 P.M PST
7 years
soncee Beautiful artikle
7 years
7 years
Violeta Very good article
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Great
7 years
7 years
Deepizzaguy Great post.
7 years
7 years
Shavkat Nice poem
7 years
7 years
Michellekidwell @Shavkat Thank you
7 years
7 years
7 years