By JamesTay
8 years ago

Whats so good about Vaping?

Once upon a time, Smoking was deemed a 'cool' and a 'social' thing to do. And you'd be right in thinking that todays young smokers also think this. But how bad really is smoking? How did it happen? And what did it become so popular?

Smoking originated 1865 and was not fully commercialised until 1881, when smoking became an industry, with the first cigarette making machine.

This was around the time of the Industrial Revolution, which at the time, was a huge phase of history. Hundreds to thousands of inventors were busy at work, trying to make the next BIG invention.

Smoking from then has become almost, a part of life, a common site in the street or smoking area in your local pub.

Since then however in the early 2000's, a new era of 'smoking' has emerged called Vaping. Vaping is the idea of smoking less harmful chemicals, smoking no tar, and reducing the second-hand smoking effects you see with normal cigarettes. Vaping has created a whole new industry, today, almost as big as the cigarette industry itself!

But, why has vaping become so popular? Well, the demand for a healthier alternative aside, people wanted to make smoking 'cool' again, which has worked! Vaping leads this new edgy, fun, and interesting walk of life, that many people have wanted.

Vaping, according to the NHS UK is "95% healthier than regular cigarettes." So, why has the cigarette industry not fallen into chaos? Because of the cigarette itself. Cigarette manufactures for hundreds of years have created a market so huge, the very concept of not manufacturing these products would be insane. It is a large part of an economies income, which in turn, keeps you alive, with a house over your head and water to drink.

Vaping, overall, will not bring down the cigarette tycoons, but may just be the answer to many cigarette smokers dreams of leading a healthier life style.
8 years
JamesTay I agree it should be banned. But just because of the HUGE tex revenue the government makes.. there's no chance.
8 years
8 years
Tiggerfantoo Ive been smoke free now for 7 months, I've tried Vaping, but it does give me a bad chest, worse than smoking did. I now suck on nicotine lozenges, and they really help
8 years
8 years
MSBT98 I definitely agree with you and it is definitely an alternative to smoking habits....smoking cigarettes is terrible, a lot of people know that there are harmful chemicals, i.e. tar and nicotine, and it has been found that there are over 4000 chemicals, including 43 carcinogenic chemicals, and yet they continue! It's shocking.....thus I do also believe it should be banned. Maybe you should create some sort of e-petition and see how many people are against it? It does affect all age range - from young people as young as toddlers who encounter passive smoking all the way to elderly people in public areas. Hope for the best!
8 years
8 years
ellsbellsrfc Agreed.
8 years
7 years
indexer There is a move in the UK to allow vaping in public spaces, such as on transport. I hope this never happens!
7 years