By Fesalvia
8 years ago


Life is full of pieces, and loves to play with us, I spent some time for a very difficult time, I lost my job for not participating in political movement, it was cruel the first few days, you do not know where you will take what is necessary for the basics, But God is so good that allows us to go through things like this, to make us see new ways, I confess that even the dwarf won not even 10% of what I earned at work, but I do not need to, and I do have peace of mind even with these difficulties . I AM GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR THE BAD DAYS.
8 years
ze2000 It makes it hard not to make the question: when you pray you ask for bad things to happen then? If that's a reward I mean.
8 years
8 years
HappyLady I learned this too. Thanking God for the bad things means you have ammunition against the things the enemy throws at you and get through it quicker.
8 years
8 years
SHOHANA we enjoy good days but we learn from bad days
8 years
8 years
Smokey2017 I believe in god
But don't have to go to church to prove it
8 years