By Michellekidwell
7 years ago

Book Review: The Ghostwriter

The Ghostwriter

by Alessandra Torre

General Fiction (Adult) , Mystery & Thrillers

Pub Date 02 Oct 2017

I am reviewing a copy of The Ghostwriter through DCA and Netgalley:

Helena Ross only has three months to live, three months to write the last book of her life.

Helena Ross has written fifteen romance novels, ten of them becoming international best sellers, but will she be able to finish her final book?

Helena is only nineteen when her agent gets her first novel

Helena does not really have friends, her time was spent either reading or writing.

Realizing she is not going to have the energy to do this final book so she ask her agent Kate to find a Ghostwriter.

Her final book will bring the truth she had hidden from the police to light, the truth about her husband and daughter.

Five out of five stars!

Happy Reading
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