By dorageorg
7 years ago

Balcony Gardening for Beginners

At first glance, a balcony garden doesn’t seem to be any different than a container garden. You have a small outdoor surface, and a few potted plants to let everyone know that this is where your home meets the natural world. Then you realize the challenges:

*Which flowers can survive wind gusts and shifting shadows?
*Can my balcony support the weight of the containers and their contents?
*How can I water the plants without drenching the tenants below?

*Does my garden look as pleasing to passersby as it does to me?
What happens when winter arrives?

*Learn more about growing a successful flower garden when you have zero in-ground planting area, and transform a space for a couple of potted plants into your urban paradise.
7 years
rmtm198 Good day
7 years
7 years
DAIANAGABAR Very nice post
7 years
7 years
soncee Beautiful artikle
7 years
7 years
LuminitaBraic Beautiful lady
7 years
7 years
Deliana Wonderful article, pretty photo! ?
7 years
7 years
carmen3521 Great1
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Wonderful
7 years