No Wonder She Took A Bite!
So, if we can just believe it happened!
She saw it as an appealing fruit,
Curiosity and lies engulfed her inner self,
'Wow, the fruit that will open your eyes'
The greatest lier told her.
With her hand, she took the fruit,
Salivating before it touched her lips,
She took a bite... and yes! It was so sweet.
My husband should taste this too...
And he took a bite too.
Oops! Their eyes opened,
And the shame of their nakedness drove them into hiding.
Was it an apple?
I guess not... But if it was truly an apple,
Then Adam and Eve had no chance!
She saw it as an appealing fruit,
Curiosity and lies engulfed her inner self,
'Wow, the fruit that will open your eyes'
The greatest lier told her.
With her hand, she took the fruit,
Salivating before it touched her lips,
She took a bite... and yes! It was so sweet.
My husband should taste this too...
And he took a bite too.
Oops! Their eyes opened,
And the shame of their nakedness drove them into hiding.
Was it an apple?
I guess not... But if it was truly an apple,
Then Adam and Eve had no chance!
Justin › Goood
carmen3521 › Good1
soncee › Nice
Violeta › Great
MegyBella › Great
Deliana › So...Adam and Eve must leave the Garden of Eden...
Lorso › Great work
Lucia5 › Super
dorageorg › Great
OlgaLifeLover › ???
cathydkreations › Good article thank you for sharing??