By NyishaHv
8 years ago

Girl puts dolls eye in her eye socket.


Girl takes the time to put an artificial eye in her eyesocket. But not a traditional glass eye, not an artificial eye for the blind. She almost became blind for practicing something so foolish. Was this for vanity or for a bit of fun to see a change of eyecolour. Many people are calling it absolutely obscene and stupid; foolish. What are your views?

"Dr Jen Gunter spoke of the damaging side effects of this activity, explaining: "This is dangerous practice with real potential to harm."

"Luckily for me, I don't need glasses... yet. But if that day does come, I know I won't opt for contacts because it just looks incredibly painful. Everyone I know who has them says it isn't a big deal after a while, but every time I see them poking around their eyes it makes me squeamish."...
8 years
Smokey2017 Sorry. Not for me
Happy with the way I look and that is beautful
8 years
8 years
bee Silly
8 years
8 years
NatashaT1994 I seen that on FB and was shocked. What makes people think that doing these stupid things is a good idea?
8 years
8 years
fifileigh she is copying what celebrities do when they promote the One-Eye Illuminati symbolism, which is satanic because I read that satan's left eye was blind. that is why they close the left eye and open the right eye wide--Illuminati all-seeing eye. (celebrities also do the satan hand gesture with this one-eye look and tongue sticking out to the side. remember, miley cyrus...
8 years
8 years
Borderline xD
8 years
6 years
Shavkat Nice article
6 years
6 years
fifileigh is that contact lens?
6 years