Калинката во исхраната и медицината
Kalinka is one of the oldest fruits known to man. There are records in its various cultures and religions, in which the pomegranate was respected as a symbol of health, fertility and eternal life. There are also a number of studies that confirm the beneficial effect of calico on the cardiovascular and nervous system as well as on bone. It arises because the pomegranate is a rich source of vitamin B5, potassium, alaganin and flavonoids. Also, 100 grams of pomegranate contain 16% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Furthermore, the pomegranate contains phytochemicals that stimulate the production of serotonin and estrogen in the body. According to clinical trials, substances that contain only the pomegranate - puunalagins - affect the heart and blood vessels favorably. Pomegranate oil has estrogenic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties because it contains the puonic and elagic acid
sanjad › Hvala na informaciji?
OlgaLifeLover › wow...yammy
DAIANAGABAR › So good article
Ryanskie › Nice article ?
Violeta › Very nice article
Nevena83 › nikad ga nisam probala
carmen3521 › Nice article
maca1 › Beautiful fruits great artikle
soncee › Very nice artikle
dorageorg › So great article!?
Tomi › Very nice article
bellak24 › lepo