Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant from the rose family (Rosaceae). About 60% of the water is in the fruit, it can be up to 12% of sugar as well as vitamin C of 24-97 mg%. Blooms several times a year and serve as indicators for virus testing.
Strawberries evaporate at -15 ° C to -18 ° C. If there is no snow cover, especially at the end of the winter period when it melts, falls and at -5 ° C to -7 ° C. Strawberry blossoms at -2 ° C. During vegetation, the most important increase is at temperatures of 20 - 24 ° C (optimum 23 ° C).Due to the lack of moisture in the soil, the root system is underdeveloped in the surface part of the soil; no columns are formed on the tree, resulting in a decrease in fertility and fertility, and the fruits are small and useless. Considering that the strawberry is planted in a very thick structure and has a large leaf mass, the recommended soil moisture is 75-80% PVK. Plants need irrigation at the beginning of flowering, during ripening and after the completion of all harvesting.Strawberries can be propagated by seeds, grafting, sharing bushes and stonewalls. The seed planted in the garden land, to which sand and compost is added, starts to heal after 12 - 15 days. Strawberry mating is done when it wants to detect the presence of viral diseases. The bushes are divided into large-scale fruits and sorghum that do not give stones. Reproduction of the table is the most widespread way of strawberry reproduction. As a rule, on each article (nodusu), adventive buds that give a tree with a leaf and root system, a seedling, develop.
carmen3521 › Good content!
soncee › Beautiful artikle dear lovely strawberries
viktorija64 › Beautiful artikle
Violeta › Very nice article
indexer › Strawberries evaporate when frozen? Interesting!
Melsdename › Yummy
Jelenajeca › so nice
svetle76 › jagodi yummmmm
Frenki › Yummy
blissfulliberty › how I wish I can grow strawberries in our place.. :)
Justin › Good very good
maca1 › Yummy i like strawberries
maca1 › Najlepse voče su jagode
maca1 › I jas volim sve voče ali pre bih izabrala njih?