

6 photos

AdHocGames New article
8 years ago
I'm just going to come out and say it: I hate Genestealers. At least painting them anyway. I've been working on a comission for a friend the last few weeks, getting his Genestealer Cult army painted up ( hopefully to be featured in battle reports here and on the Total Wargaming Youtube channel) ... Read more
8 years
Borderline tyranids? beautiful
8 years
8 years
luluarte wow!! :)
8 years
AdHocGames New article
8 years ago
With my life facing some imminent upheaval, with some uncertain times ahead, i've been thinking a lot about what i want to do with the hobby going forwards. The past eighteen months or so, i've owned and managed a tabletop hobby store- Ad Hoc Games - in Huyton, UK, which has allowed me to spoil ... Read more
8 years
Borderline beautul
8 years
8 years
ze2000 cool
8 years
8 years
jessica Very impressive
8 years
6 years
Shavkat Nice
6 years
AdHocGames New article
8 years ago
As anyone who's seen my previous articles knows, i'm a tabletop gamer who paints miniatures. The last few pictures have been of models that were intended to be sold on, this one however is from my personal collection for Warhammer 40,000. This is from an alien race called the Kroot. They're a bu... Read more
8 years
Borderline You paint very good!
8 years
8 years
motmot cool
8 years
8 years
Bilston Nice!
8 years
AdHocGames New article
8 years ago
Veteran Sergeant Centurius is a limited edition metal miniature released for the opening of Games Workshop's 100th store. Only 100 of these models were released, although there have been many counterfeit copies created over the years by recasters. Part of the Legion of the Damned, Centurius... Read more
8 years
Borderline looks really cool, did you paint it?
8 years
8 years
ze2000 When I was a kid I used to look at the scenarios with all the figures. I never learned how to play but it's always been a fascinating thing to see.
8 years
8 years
Borderline I use to play Warhammer in a club
8 years
8 years
AdHocGames The miniature was painted by me, part of an army i was working on last year. He'll be going to a new owner later this week as part of a commission.
8 years
8 years
ze2000 What's the value of a figure like this?(if I can ask of course)
8 years
8 years
AdHocGames For a genuine Sergeant Centurius, you're looking at about £40-50 on sites like Ebay. To have a model painted, it can be anywhere from £10 to £300 depending on the quality you want.
8 years
8 years
Borderline Do you have warhammer fantasy?
8 years
8 years
ze2000 really??? I didn't know painters were so wel paid!
8 years
8 years
AdHocGames I've got a few pieces here and there for Fantasy. There was a big change a year or so ago, where the setting was completely revamped and the game changed to a skirmish based system, so i've not collected as much really since then.
8 years
8 years
Borderline yeah now is shit this crap of age of sigmar
8 years
8 years
Borderline I have a lot of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings
8 years
8 years
AdHocGames Two armies that have been dropped completely from the game, which is always nice. I had Tomb Kings myself in the works before the End Times.
8 years
8 years
Borderline now I just play Warhammer Total War for computer, is so much better XD
8 years
AdHocGames New article
8 years ago
This article is pretty much a vent, to let myself get out some of the things that have going around my head the last few days, so i apologise if this isn't what you want to read and understand any negative ratings. I started my own business in 2015, fulfilling a dream of owning my own Tabletop g... Read more
8 years
ze2000 Money is just money. The worse can happen is they take your stuff but you will recover sooner or later.
Closing a business doesn't mean you lost. Means you made a mistake or you just didn't have luck this time. Do not get too obsessed about it, it's that: just business.

Having said that, have you thought about all the ways you can sell that stock using internet or similar?
8 years
8 years
Bilston Those things can happen to anybody and you don't have to consider yourself a loser.
in life there are positive and negative experiences that may help you in the future. Try to be positive.
8 years
8 years
bee Sounds like you are doing the best you can. You should be proud of yourself that although your business didn't work you are still going out there and doing other jobs instead of locking your self away from the world and burying your head in the sand. I think your children will be very proud of you knowing their father had a great bussiness however the world was not ready for it yet. I think you are a great inspiration and very innovational.
8 years
8 years
AdHocGames Thank you to all of you who took the time to comment and offer support. Its very much appreciated, this weeks been awful, two days after I posted this article, my grandfather passed away. So hearing some kind words has really helped. Thank you.
8 years
AdHocGames New article
8 years ago
The Butcher, an Eversor Assassin from my Warhammer 40,000 gaming collection. This miniature is the classic metal Eversor Assassin from Games Workshop, circa 1993. Equipped with a Executioner Pistol, Neuro-Gauntlet, Power sword and melta bombs, the Eversor is an all round close combat machine, ca... Read more
8 years
ze2000 I never learned how to play this, only played on the PC. I love seeing the process how to paint an army.
8 years
8 years
Borderline I had space marines, but I never really played, I use to play Warhammer fantasy a lot, I have some armies
8 years
