By Explorer2017
7 years ago

Tuetego: The Fairness of Unfairness

Write the article hereVaried reactions expressed by active users of Tuetego and I am one of them. Our reaction stemmed from the weirdness of our earnings for three days. Some got no earning. Others got 0.01.

What had happened? All of us was facing a blank wall. We didn't know what had had transpired. We had the usual feeling that something is being upgraded here in Tuetego. Something gets fixed like bugs or glitches. That is our general point of you.

Yesterday, I posted a sad reaction for my no earnings earned. I am hoping that it would be fine but it never moved any inch. One Tuetegers informed me that there is an explanation from Tuetego. I checked it and I was appalled upon knowing it on the point of low post or poor quality of articles, images, comments and the like posted by the users.

The Unfairness

The big question is why is it now pointed out earlier before punishing the whole Tuetegers, good or poor posters for that matter. That is so to speak unfair. I would say that is injustice. Could we recover from those numbers of posts, pictures, comments and or reactions we received from our fellow Tuetegers?

Tueteger answered that and I quote, "Dear Tuetego friends: "Low activity and low content quality lead to poor revenue.... We need to improve the content, remove duplicates, spam, and also we need to put an end to plagiarism like people just pasting articles from Wikipedia. We are committed to fix this..."

The Fairness

The launching or implementation of Tueteg'O'Meter. By this feature it keeps our performance on green which is important indicator that we earn rewards especially in inviting new users. It says that the meter will show 5 categories that we must keep in good scores, rated from A to E. This shows that the new posts posted, time spent on site, comments written and general interaction are monitored. In doing so, it determines if a user is active and adding value to the site and therefore entitled to get rewards for new users.

I reiterate all those earnings we have earned for the period covered could no longer be recovered or paid, are they? That is the question.
7 years
AtomicGeek71 Thanks for this article.
7 years
7 years
7 years
soncee Nice plants beautiful artikle
7 years
7 years
indexer It would appear to be a matter of "wait and see"!
7 years
7 years
dorageorg ???
7 years
7 years
maca1 So nice artikle Thanks!
7 years
7 years
cathydkreations Very good article thanks for the post as my earnings have been the same .01 for a few days and the past 2 it has remained the same. It is not fair to those thst are following the rules and get punishes for those that are not. Im no kid and need to be sent to time out because somone else dies wrong. I will be limiting my time here until things get bettet??
7 years
7 years
DAIANAGABAR Wonderful photo
7 years
7 years
fortune Usually comments under articles show how many members even do not read anything, just post few words to get penny. Or they think the more meaningless comments the more they will earn. Very sad. Not in vain Tuetego mentioned poor quality content and plagarism. We have it here. But I also consider unfair to punish those who always worked along their rules. They punished us all for those who post trash here. It is unfair. Some people have posted really great content, not only exceptional photos but also great articles, and they also were not paid. I do not care for those few cents not added to my account, they will not make my life neither easier or harder. But I like fairness. Will see what new rules will bring. I will wait and will not be very active till everything starts working.
7 years
7 years
indexer @fortune Full agreement here!

It annoys me when I post a full-length article, with an illustrating photo, and get almost immediate comments that say "nice artikle" (that is exactly how it is often spelt!) or "nice picture". The commenter has clearly not read the piece and - as you say - is not playing the game according to the unwritten rules.

A system that recognizes the value of the contributions made by members, as opposed to just ticking boxes, would certainly be a good idea.
7 years
7 years
soncee We have to wait and see on us! But I do not agree with some of the things because I know that all active members need not be punished for inactive members who enter only once a day post and leave .Tuetego exactly knows who should be punished, but I think their goal is differently they want to take our profits because of the bad condition of the site itself until it finally closed @fortune
7 years
7 years
Explorer2017 @soncee That is what I think of. This site lacks a good moderator to check the unwanted posts, empty comments. Tuetego lacks planning so to speak. They are still in the process of improving its site. And they have control the influx of posters in leaps and bounds everyday. They eventually in trouble on how to pay them. Thus, generally they cut off or stop paying credits to everybody to save their heads. ☹️
7 years
7 years
fortune @soncee I do not know what the conditions has this site. Sometimes those who come and post one two posts (quality original photos, articles) add more value to site then those who spam site with numerous poor blurred photos or posts with just one word Hi or Hello...or reposted photos, quotes, or other things without any external links as it's simply called plagiarism. So, I would not agree that only very active members add value to the site. For instance good written article can bring visitors day after day, and any of poor photo comes once and get forgotten, no one will need or search for it no matter how active the author is on the site. We all should better watch what we post, site needs quality content because money comes from advertisers.
7 years
7 years
fortune @soncee You said, that active members should be paid, and inactive not, I would say that those who didn't break rules should be paid, and those who broke them, should not be paid. Those who post quality content should be paid, and those who post trash - should not be paid. That is my opinion. I do not think problem is in activity or inactivity only.
7 years
7 years
Explorer2017 @fortune I do agree with you. You may be right. But my point is once there is a great influx or numbers of payees, the site which lacks or runs out of payment may be compelled to introduce drastic measure such as non payment, claiming the site is under maintenance, or introducing new system. Or whatever alibi they may have just curb or trim down their subscribers or users. activity. Thus payment is delayed or no payment at all.
7 years
7 years
fortune @Explorer2017 yes, site lacks moderators, all plagiarized posts are not deleted, no one monitor what members post. But there is another side - site may need to pay moderators, and we will again get less of the profit. I do not know why adult people so hard understand the rules. Or don't read them at all.
7 years
7 years
fortune @Explorer2017 I do not agree with their decision. It was weird not to inform us what is going on and instead just stop paying. People wasted their time to be here for hours and they got zero. That is bad way to manage the site, as it has not many active members.
7 years
7 years
fortune It looks like I write too much here, LOL
7 years
7 years
soncee So you're completely right @Explorer2017
7 years
7 years
soncee I do not quite agree with you @fortune site also earns from the Internet if someone spent 10 hours a day on the site and posted a few pictures of that site has a lot more benefit than someone who uploaded quality content and left the site after five minutes waiting earnings
7 years
7 years
Explorer2017 It doesn't matter. This is the only venue which we could air our grioes, grudges and discontentment @fortune
7 years
7 years
indexer @fortune Some sort of moderation sounds like a good idea, but the downside of that could be that posts would have to wait before they were published.

One way round that might be for the rating mechanism to be upgraded so that a member can comment on an article as well as just giving it a grade. For example, I quite often run a plagiarism check on articles that look suspicious, and give those that are plagiarisms the lowest possible score. But that is as far it goes - there is no mechanism for stating that this is the reason for my decision.
7 years
7 years
cathydkreations @fortune I totally agree with you it is not fair to those that work hard and work within the rules. I haven't been very active since they are being quite unfair. You are right most people don't read the post or comments they just like it and move on. I read everything before I like and comment. I don't just like it because its a pic. I have noticed that some just like the pic but don't take time to read. I'm not just here for the few pennies they will not make or break me. I have made a few friends here that I enjoy interacting with but I will respond to those that keep posting on my daily themed and I will not let them run me off. But I have seen several that were good leave for one reason or another. I hope things get better for this site. I will be here 1 year next month ??
7 years
7 years
Aylin This article is good. Tuetego told us that they want to remove duplicates, spam contents. It's important for pictures and articles to be original. They pay now. I got a few cents today.
7 years
7 years
fortune @indexer rating is a way, yes. We have rating under articles already but no one is rating them. Somewhere there was an option to rate articles. At least, it was when i joined tuetego. Have not cheched it lately. But i think with photos it would work in site with much more members as we have here. Some are friends already and even under very bad blurred photo i see comments that it is awesome beautiful and so on. There would not be honesty in rating all content, i think. Everyone would rate 5 stars.
7 years
7 years
fortune @cathydkreations i know that you are one of those who are posting only great creative photos dear. Your works are original and it is really pity to get punished such members that added value to the site just because someone failed to take responsibiity and act honest here. But it is time to leave all disappointnents and go further. We have no other choice, just to accept their rules or to leave. Cheers.
7 years
7 years
indexer @fortune The option to rate articles is certainly still there - I use it every day if I can. Just click on your photo on the top bar (the one that includes your cash total) then select "Rate articles". You will presented with an article and asked to rate by clicking on one of five icons - the next article will then pop up.

Some of these will be in Spanish - I always give these the "neutral" rating, because I don't know the language at all.

You can go on rating all day if you wish to - it is supposed to be a way of earning revenue but I don't know what the pay rate is!
7 years
7 years
yecall My rate of earning went down by two cents.
7 years
6 years
viktorija64 It would appear to be a matter of "wait and see"!
6 years
6 years
Explorer2017 @viktorija64 you are right.
6 years