????Copacies are the lungs of the planet and come from the most sensible and luminous kingdom of the Pleiades, and their mission is to oxygenate the world by transforming pure light into physical life.
Trees were the first beings who came to Earth to fulfill the role of gods, anchoring and channeling the divine light, directing Mother Earth in its evolution and ascension.
Trees are real masters, containing the akashic records of the entire ancient history of the planet, forming an etheric network that stores the original information of the solar systems, balancing the electromagnetic resonance of the planet.
Trees feed on people's carbon; trees provide us with oxygen, creating a community spiritual service of mutual love and awareness.
Recognizing our family tree gives us the opportunity to wear fruits and seeds to serve the evolution of the planet, contributing to the illumination of ancestors, so that they can evolve in light and love
Let's be examples of trees.
All this I learned when I was a child, thanks to the elemental world that guided my steps.
-Ezequiel Montie