7 years ago

The sandal tree

Santal - Santalum album -, is a small evergreen tree, very popular in India, originally from Asia. Santal is a parasitic tree that grows up to 5-6 meters, or up to 10-15 meters tall, if its own roots are implanted in another tree. It is a tree that reaches maturity after living between 50 and 100 years, the brown-gray trunk is covered by many thin branches.he leaves are smooth, glossy, shiny green on top and lighter on the lower part, are arranged opaque, thin, oval to lanceolate, flowers are small with red-violet shade, grow seated in terminal inflorescences on branches.

The mature sandal is harvested by plucking the tree with roots with everything, because in the roots, there is the largest quantity of oil extracted by distillation, the best quality is the essential oil that is produced in India.

For therapeutic purposes, the trunk core containing essential oils, terpene, santarol, tannins, santalene, has been used since antiquity to treat skin disorders, but also to care for the beauty of the skin.
7 years
Violeta Great
7 years
7 years
rmtm198 good article
7 years
7 years
MegyBella Good article
7 years
7 years
soncee Nice artikle
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rubesh Beautiful
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iliana ?
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Explorer2017 Great post
4 years