By NyishaHv
8 years ago

The dangers of Sleeping tablets

The dangers of Zopiclone:

In the US Zopiclone is deemed as a Schedule IV drug meaning it is a controlled substance, because of its addictive properties and also misuse, Zopiclone is prescription-only in the UK and also Australia. Nevertheless there have been instances of people operating illicit websites where these controlled drugs are illicitly sold which is an offence to possess such drugs of this nature without prescription. Zopiclone in the UK is rated a class C drug, it is issued by prescription only, because they can be highly addictive, some doctors go as far as to not issue them in their normal quantity, they come in packets of 28, doctors will only issue long-term patients 14 or as low as 7(weeks worth) of Zopiclone at a time. The treatment period, conventionally, for Zopiclone is about 4 weeks, but a lot of people have exceeded the treatment period which increases the chances of dependency and also adverse withdrawal symptoms. Furthermore, there have also been instances where people have used Zopiclone to commit suicide because it is a conventional sleeping pill, highly, sedative when mixed with alcoholic substances such as Vodka. Some people even go as far as to abuse them with other recreational substances like: Marijuana which is just frightening.

For example, this tragic instance tells the story of a woman who brought a large quantity of Zopiclone tablets online and the outcome was fatal. A teacher who spent £8,000 buying 8,000 sleeping pills online after decades battling insomnia was found hanged in the same woods her boyfriend killed himself just 19 months earlier.Married Suzanne Greenwood was found by dog walkers two days before Christmas last year.The 43-year-old chose to end her life at the same spot as ex-boyfriend Chris Evans, 30, a year-and-a-half earlier. Her grief-stricken husband David Greenwood, 47, said his wife had become addicted to sleeping tablets after secretly buying them in huge batches from India and Hong Kong. Her crippling insomnia meant she often struggled for days without sleep.

At an inquest in Bolton into her death, it was said that Mrs Greenwood purchased the powerful sleeping drug Zopiclone - only available on prescription in the UK - over the internet in her fight against the illness. In total, she bought 8,000 pills; scary. Her grieving husband - who she married in a dream wedding ceremony on the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar in 2011 - explained how he tried to support his wife with her insomnia problems. But unknown to him she was already taking increasingly large quantities of the sleeping tablets, becoming 'reclusive' and spending a lot of time in the attic of their home.

Of course, zopiclone is classed as a Schedule IV substance, which I am sure many readers will be familiar with, in the sense that they have heard of these or may have been prescribed them. Barbiturates abuse and accident overdose is common, notably, the sedative drugs below, some even tranquilizers (xanax) can be Thales if taken in large doses, or if mixed with other non-benzopines, alcoholic substances, or other class A drugs. These are a list of Schedhule VI drugs: alprazolam (Xanax), carisoprodol (Soma), clonazepam (Klonopin), clorazepate (Tranxene), diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), midazolam (Versed), temazepam (Restoril), and triazolam (Halcion).

All of the medications listed above are prescription above are available by prescription only, to emphasise, people should be discouraged from purchasing any of the medications above from the black market, people who sell 'benzos' online and also purchasing them online yourself. You do not know what you are getting yourself into. As drugs that are purchased online, people usually do not have a concept of where they are stored, and if they have been stored under the correct conditions. Also, medication may not be genuine, or it could be imported from another country, where its conventional ingredients have been omitted or substances that are harmful to you can be added to the drug to 'stretch' it so larger quantities can be made.

To be on the safe side, if you are suffering with Insomnia, or any other anxiety disorder or even depression, consult your 'general practician': it is the safest and the most secure option. Take care when selecting what sleeping tablet is appropriate for you, and which will be the least dependant and the most effective. I feel that, from my own experience of taking Zopiclone it is definately something that should be issued in small quantities. I used to get them in issues of 56, and now 28, but unlike many, I do have a very personal friendship with my doctor, and he had prescribed me a total of 28+28+28 =? Well you do the math in the space of 3 weeks, because of my previous addiction with it I would lie and say that I lost them just to get more. Nevertheless, I have stopped taking them, binned them, I try to excercise to sleep more comfortably and with ease now, I don't need a man-made substance with a combintation of unknown ingredients to help me get a good nights sleep...ZZZZzzZZzzZ

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8 years
Mfoss really astounding article
8 years
7 years
Shavkat c",) Nice article
7 years